Monday, September 01, 2008

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Doctor's advice - He can't make her respond - Jamaica Gleaner

Sun, 31 Aug 2008 06:08:00 GMT
Q. Dear Doc, I need your advice. I am a guy who has been in a two-year relationship with the woman I love. She loves me. We plan on getting married soon. The problem is that for the entire period of our relationship she has never had an orgasm when ...

Taiwan gays cheated, molested by so-called priest at "gay temple" - Monsters and Critics

Mon, 01 Sep 2008 08:09:00 GMT
Taipei - Taiwan police are probing into alleged fraud and sexual assault involving a 24-year-old man who claimed himself a 'priest' who could ward off ghosts haunting gay people, officers said Monday. 'We just received a report by a male victim and ...

Penis Pills - methods

A Brief History penis enlargement review penis enlargement pills of Pilates

Joseph Pilates, creator of the Pilates group of Exercises was sickly as a child. He suffered from asthma, rickets and rheumatic fever. At age 14, he remedied his health status by engaging in exercise and body building, and in doing so, became the model for anatomical drawings.

With determination and dedication to his exercise, Pilates became skilled in sports like skiing, diving and gymnastics. In 1912 he worked as a self defense instructor for Scotland Yard, in England. When World War I came, Pilates, a German national, was named an �enemy alien� like most other German nationals at the time. During his capture, he started perfecting the methods of the Pilates exercise, and started teaching it to the other interns. He would penis enlargement products make use of springs attached to hospital beds to enable bedridden patients to do exercise, with resistance. Pilates was first designed as a reconstructive form of exercise, mostly for those injured and unable to move freely, or else confined in a bed or a chair. The crude �exercise machines� was the basis for his later designs.

In 1918, an Influenza epidemic struck England, but none of his trainees were among the thousands killed, this strengthened his claim for the exercise�s efficiency.

After being cleared of accusations, and his release, Pilates returned to Germany to perfect his method. The dance community, through Rudolf Van Laban, highly regarded Pilates� techniques and adapted his exercises. In 1926, Pilates immigrated to the United States, after being asked to teach his techniques in the German Army. This is where he met his wife Clara, and with her, he opened a studio in New York, with the New York City Ballet.

In the 1960�s most of Pilets� students are New York Dancers. One of which, George Ballanchine, also had Pilates teach the ballerinas at the New York City Ballet. As time passed, his method became popular, not only in New York, but also everywhere in the United States.

Two of Pilates� Students, Carola Trier, and Bob Seed, on the other hand, opened their own studio, demonstrating the methods and techniques, taught them by Pilates himself. Carola Trier, found solace in fleeing to the united Sattes, whe she escaped a Nazi Holding Camp, and found Pilates in 1940. Having pertinent dance background and the techniques under her belt, she became a contortionist, only stopping when getting injured in 1940. Due to this, Pilates helped TRier to open her own studio in 1950.

Bob Seed, aformer Hockey player, and an avid student of Pilates opened a studio across form Joseph�s and tried to make a competition out of it by opening early in the morning. Some people say that Pilates threatened Seed one day, and told him to leave town, and indeed he left.

When Pilates died, he left no instruction as to how to continue the line of Pilates work, nevertheless, his wife Clara, continued with the Studio, already known as the Pilates studio. Romana Kryzanowska, a student who studied with Joe and Clara aroung the 1940�s continued their work and became director of the studio in 1970.

Also in 1970, A man named Ron Fletcher, a Martha Graham dancer, opened his own studio in Los angeles. He attracted many Hollywood stars, and this so impressed Clara, that she gave him permission to cary on the pilates name. Fletcher however, brought on improvements to the regiment

In 1967, two other students, Kathy Grant and Lolita San Miguel were awarded degrees by the State university of New York, to teach Pilates, they were the only practitioners review of penis enlargement products ever to certified by Pialtes officially. Grant tooko over the Bendel�s Studio in 1972, whilst San Miguel went to Puerto Rico to teach Pilates at the Ballet Concerto de Puerto Rica.

Writing review of penis enlargement penis enlargement products products a Good Online Profile

After working the online personals like a mad scientist for the last few years, I now have a good idea of what types of profiles women most respond to.

Your profile is like an advertisement. It can be anywhere from 2 to 7 paragraphs long, and be written in the first, second, or third person penile enlargement; or any combination thereof.

Example of First Person: I am interested in meeting a woman who has a fun character, isn't a total brat, and doesn't mind the occasional corruption...

Example of Second Person: You are an extroverted woman, full of feminine energy, who likes and appreciates men who go after what they want...

Example of Third Person: I just woke up. Last night was very passionate. It was the first time in a while I could really be myself with someone. And to think I felt bad about hooking up with him initially...I learned so much...

Whatever your style of communication top enlargement products it is important that you are able to lead a woman's imagination. You want her to catch a glimpse of what you are like. You are the product and the personal ad is the brochure.

Women, unlike men, are much more likely to read someone's profile. Men tend to mostly look at the picture, but women are usually very curious about how a man expresses himself.

I have found that there are certain things that you should definitely avoid when writing your profile. They are:

- never say you are looking for a relationship (it sounds needy, and too many men say this already). At most, say you are not actively seeking a relationship, but if it happens it happens

- never say you are looking for "the one" - too cliche and again it sounds needy

- never say you like to cuddle or do anything which women say they like to do. You're a guy so you like guy things. For example, you enjoy sports, like hockey, or football, or anything full contact which involves a strenuous workout (you can even add a *wink* to this last one, for effect)

- never say you are looking for someone to fill a void in your life - it makes you sound desperate. Believe me, women avoid desperate men like the plague

- don't ever say you are tired of the bar scene - it makes you look like you are using the internet as a last resort and are unsuccessful in general

- never communicate, or hint, that you are frustrated or angry towards women.

You want to communicate that you are a fun guy who is passionate and is perfectly comfortable with intimacy, but not in a crude way. Use innuendos, they work great. Mention that you like the winter season because it forces you to rely more on body heat (and sometimes it takes more than one body).

Showing that you have an edge is good, and adding humor to an overal "gruff" exterior is a great way to entice. Humor is what allows me to say something borderline and get away with it.

Sarcasm works good too. You can try writing something which sounds like total romantic drivel, about how you're looking for "the one", and someone to have 10-15 kids with, house on the prairies etc - all very tongue in cheek. Just make sure it's very clear that you are joking, and that you go on to write what you're actually like.

It is very good practice to say something which makes you look like you don't need approval and are willing to screen for women to find the one you like. For example, you can say that you like women that are easy going and don't have self-esteem issues, and can enjoy the moment and take risks without second guessing themselves.

Saying what you like and don't like, in terms of facts, is good, but you should also write something to get her imagination going (such as with NLP based language & suggestive flirting). It's good to say what you like and don't like but you should also give her a compelling reason to want to meet you (emotional rewards, good feelings etc). My personal favorite way of doing this is with innuendos, as shown before.

Finesse. It's not enough to just write out all these things. You also need a good writing style, and that only comes with practice (same as writing english essays). Many bad profiles have a terrible writing style, but are okay content wise. They read like a 10 year old wrote them. This happens often when people cut and paste parts of others' profiles and try to stitch it all together. It ends up looking like a Frankenstein monster.

In terms of having the best mindset to write a profile, I find that the best time to write is when you're feeling in an upbeat mood. Maybe you just had a great day or maybe you just feel empowered in general. Try not to write a profile after you got burned by someone, or something. It's very hard to get in the right mindset if all you're thinking is, "that stupid ^@%#$". It tends to pollute your writing, making you come across as angry and frustrated, which you want to avoid.

Say something about you, such as what music you like. I like to mention that I like swedish death metal. It's part of who I am and I know women are always intrigued by extreme hobbies anyway, so it's good to mention one.

For a picture of you, a natural outdoor pose works well. Don't smile too much or look angry/grumpy. Just look cool and relaxed, with a hint of a smile. Also, dont take a picture of you standing beside your car (unless it's a piece of junk and it's clear you are not showing off). It's good to have your picture taken while you are doing something else, like, say, you are at a party and someone got your attention and took the picture while you were with your buds. Avoid webcam shots. They look bad, period. Take my word for it.

A useful writing trick is to write a draft of the profile, and then wait a day or two before reading it again, and editing if need be. This is similar to what good writers do, as it helps the final product look as good as it can.

I've had a lot of practice at this. It took me a long time to figure out what to write that would attract women. A lot of experience at clubs and bars, and observing reactions of women there, helped me to understand what women would respond to online. I've met dozens of women from online, and wrote/experimented with at least one profile for every woman I met. Now I have about 6 template profiles I can draw on which I have been successful with in the past.

Copyright (c) 2005 Vittorio Norman

Benefits of Electric penile enlargement top enlargement products Beds

Adjustable beds are all the rage since they enable people to have a good night's sleep as well as being able to cure their erratic sleeping patterns as well as other illnesses that are attributed to poor sleeping habits. Adjustable electric beds, however, are a hybrid of the two popular beds, the adjustable bed as well as the electric beds - comes in full force with various key features that will make sleeping an incredibly great experience for you.

Adjustable electric beds have all sorts of great features -

- The optional headboard hugger mechanisms- Objects on the night table will be easy to reach- Easy remote controls- Adjustable leverage- No wires- Maximum comfort- Vibrating massage function

1. Two Motors

Another great feature of the adjustable electric bed - two motors are provided for the full support of a person's body to maximize the relaxation benefits. The motors are extremely quiet and can be controlled at the touch of a button.

2. Standard or custom mattresses

Choose from the mattresses that best support your body so that you will be ensured with a good night's sleep.

There are four sizes for the adjustable electric bed that people can choose from -

- Twin extra long is a 38x80 mattress- Full extra long adjustable electric bed is sized at a 54x80 mattress- Queen sized adjustable electric bed is  penis enlargement with vigrx plus a 60x80 mattress- Dual king is the size of two twin extra long adjustable electric bed units placed side by side

3. Benefits of Adjustable Beds

There are a lot of healthy benefits from the adjustable electric beds. From curing insomnia to waking up feeling refreshed and totally relaxed. The adjustable electric beds are able to give people the proper support that their bodies need so as to relieve tension from the various pressure points in the body. Adjustable sizegenetics penis enlargement device electric beds can equally distribute the weight of a person to avoid aching joints or sore body parts.

An adjustable electric bed is really a great investment for people who want to be able to fully enjoy the comforts of being able to sleep soundly on a bed that can also cater to their sleeping needs. Everyone from people who are overworked at the office or just stressed over just about anything. It will be able to clear your head from such thoughts as you sleep so that you will feel energized and rejuvenated the following morning. Stress free people are proven to be more efficient and productive employees as compared to those who are overworked and highly stressed.

Reaching penis enlargement penis enlargement pill Your Potential

In today�s pressured world, many teens are afraid to fail�and even�afraid to succeed. They don�t want to stick out, whether for good or bad. They want to be accepted, and just �fit in.� This type of mentality will penis enlargement review lead you nowhere but the path to mediocrity�and that is nothing to be proud of or content with. As Douglas Malloch so aptly wrote:

If you can't be a highway then just be a trail,
If you can't be the sun be a star;
It isn't by size that you win or you fail-
Be the best of whatever you are!

Each of us have different talents and different abilities, so don�t get me wrong�it�s not about being the best�but rather about being the best YOU can personally become. The hockey great Wayne Gretzky has said �You miss 100% of the shots you don�t take.� Think about that. If you don�t try, you have a 0% chance of success! But if you put all your heart into something, and work hard, you can and will succeed in whatever you will. And if it turns out your best wasn�t good enough�then at least you tried�and will have no regrets and no wonders of �what could have been.� The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them, into the impossible.

With that in mind, let me share with you what basketball legend Michael Jordan has said:

�I have missed more than 9000 shots in my penis enlargement pills career. I have lost almost 300 games. On 26 occasions I have been entrusted to take the game winning shot... and missed. And I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why... I succeed.�

So from one teen to another: I encourage you to do today what others won�t, to have tomorrow what others never will�And never be afraid to fail!

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All About Penis Pumps from News

Will Respirators Help Our Olympic Athletes? - Slate

Thu, 07 Aug 2008 00:53:00 GMT
Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee is under the spotlight this week for helping grant parole to Wayne Dumond , a convicted rapist who had been castrated more than a decade earlier in what he claimed was a violent attack. * After Dumond ...

Penis Pumps - methods

Soccer penis enlargement pills penis enlargement review Betting - An Introduction

Lawmakers have been thus penned down to make tough new measures to crack down on corruption in sports related betting. Bets are placed on individual player�s performances, the winning team, scores in the game, etc.

Technology aids available

Today you can bet on the Internet, at casinos, through national lottery and also on cell phones. Growth of Internet betting exchanges has made sports more vulnerable to fraud and match fixing. Now betting is done with the help of GPRS technology, which is a more faster and reliable way for account holders to place their bets. Users are charged for the volume of data rather than the time spent using the service. But the police are now resorting to the use of electronic surveillance techniques to track down the alleged racket.

Advantages over other sports

Precisely betting on a football game has been an extremely popular form penis enlargement products of winning big money for years, producing far better prize money amounts for relatively low stake money. Today a punt on the football pools or spot the ball for a quid could win you thousands upon thousands. A bet on a horse cannot produce the same odds. This is perhaps a clue to the nature of betting on a football. Complete change in the lifestyle for a stake that he can afford to loose and demand for no work in return is what allures an aspiring punter to football betting. This is the lure for many working class punters, both male and female regardless of their taste for football. Football betting is the most appropriate technique review of penis enlargement products to make money for those who want to skip the hurdles and mushroom their profits without taking any pains.

Thus the lawmakers have called for various sports governing bodies to have a say in the type of bets offered to punters and to make bookmakers set up "audit-trails", something the new betting exchanges already do, to allow suspicious betting patterns to be traced. Lawmakers have also called for the governing bodies of various sports to devise common standards on who may bet on their sport, types of bets that can be placed on the concerned sport and what the other logistics for placing a bet on their sport should be.

Indoor penis enlargement review penis enlargement pills Soccer to go High Tech

One of the newest trends in the World of Soccer is the high-tech indoor soccer stadiums. They are used for all year around play without regard to seasonality. Many of these stadiums are owned by companies, which lease or rent them out to the teams. The business model is quite profitable and some markets have more than one company with more than one facility each. These companies also sell items such as soccer penis enlargement products balls, refreshments and video play back services. They also often have automatic kicking machines for practice like those used in tennis or for batting training in baseball.

Since these soccer arenas are indoors and climate controlled I propose that we take the coaching and training to a much higher level. I propose that we incorporate Holographic Technologies, which are getting closer to becoming reality, and use them to teach soccer techniques. Imagine the benefits to coaching if you took some of the greatest plays in World Cup Soccer and allowed the kids to replay them. Setting up the holographic 3D images to move in full motion video on the field.

First you would put an athlete next to each of the players and then run the projection as the athletes matched them stride for stride and step for step, aligning themselves to confront the opponent by moving with the hologram into position and taking the shot or defending the goal. The athletes and players would learn emensly by watching and playing along side the greats. And all this is nearly possible. By using special coatings on the artificial grass to review of penis enlargement products help the projection reflection it could be done quite easily. Think on this new technology and what it means for youth soccer.

Sports review of penis enlargement products penis enlargement products and Romance

How can sports possibly be be romantic? It's simple. Just ask any man who penile enlargement has cheered on his favorite team, while cuddling with his wife, and he'll tell you.

Many women I know profess to hate all sports. Why? If it's something your husband really enjoys, wouldn't you rather learn about it, and share the common bond of sports than to have him watch it alone or always leave to watch it with his buddies? Me? I'd rather be a sports wife than a sports widow.

Before you start to panic, let me sneak in a disclaimer. No, you don't have to put on a parka and sit through an icy-cold Green Bay Packers game in November to show your husband top enlargement products your love. You can certainly sit warm and cozy on your living room couch together, to show him that he is special to you.

Does the thought of being cooped up indoors watching a game bore you to tears? If so, take him on a trip to see his favorite professional team or player. Or, for a more relaxed date, go to a local Middle School or High School game. You'll love the energy. It's hard not to get hooked watching those kids put their hearts and souls into their games.

You're still not convinced? Why not show your romantic side with your sports-loving husband in a fun, active way. No matter what his favorite sport is, you can easily find a way to participate.

Football Fans: Toss the football with him in the yard. If you've never played football before or just got your nails done, use a Nerf ball. When he lets you tackle him, you can sneak in a kiss.

Basketball Fans: Shoot hoops in the driveway. Play a game of "HORSE". The winner gets a back rub or snuggling afterwards. That way you both win!

Baseball Fans: Play catch with a water balloon on a hot summer day. Go to the batting cage. Or join a softball league together. It's great exercise, and you get to enjoy time together.

Hockey Fans: Dust off your rollerblades, grab a hockey stick and a street puck and hit the street with your husband. What do you have to lose other than a few inches off your thighs?

Fantasy Sports Fans: Join his Fantasy Football, Baseball or Basketball League. It's a great way to get to know his friends and also be one of the 'cool' wives. You might even surprise him and win a few games.

Golf Fans: Play golf together. Or, if your finances are tight, try a game of mini-golf!

NASCAR fans: Visit the local arcade. Find two racing games that are connected so you can race each other.

Tour de France fans: This one is easy. Pack a lunch and a few jugs of water on your bikes and hit the road.

No matter what you plan, it'll be a treat for him. And, the next time you're watching an episode of Desperate Housewives, don't be surprised if you find your husband sitting next to you.

FIFA World penis enlargement with vigrx plus sizegenetics penis enlargement device Cup 2006 England Glory - 1966 / 2006

It surely has a nice ring to it and would be a dream come true for the plethora of England fans who have never yet witnessed the creator of �the beautiful game� bring home the goods.

Although England have a pretty favourable group, with Paraguay penis enlargement pill, Trinidad & Tobago, and the dreaded Sweden; they will come through the group stages to the finals and then, with a bit of luck, stomp all over the opposition with verve and tenacity; if Wayne Rooney keeps his head that is.

As well as being a serious contender for the coveted Golden Boot Award, if England do indeed progress, Wayne Rooney is the key to England�s success in World Cup 2006 and the rest of the team and world know it. The guy is a physiological freak in terms of the sheer power and depth of attack in his possession and will simply rip through the best defences that any of the world�s toughest may throw his way. He already proved this in Euro 2004, Portugal, where he was a constant worry for the opposition and, of course, does so every week at Old Trafford.

Wayne Rooney is simply one man, though, and cannot do the job alone; he will need pace man magician Michael Owen at his very best, Beckham curling em in sweetly from the right, Frank Lampard bulldozing through the middle and Mr Sven Goran Eriksson not doing his usual trick of messing with formations and pulling off players at the wrong moment. In fact, England hasn�t had such a brilliant compilation of players in years; it�s whether they can gel at the right time and do what the England rugby lads did in 2003.

One thing is certain though and perhaps will never change; anyone and everyone faced with England, ups their game rate by a noticeable margin. It seems that everyone wants to beat the �Auld Enemy�; hardly surprising beings as the country with the once largest of empires has, at one time or another, trounced on or been instrumental in shaping the modern world as we know it. It seems logical that someone would want to get their own back by beating the national football team.

Many of the penis enlargement England naysayers believe that the England team lacks the personality and passion to bring home the cup. Although a personality is great for the cameras, the one ingredient that is surely more important is playing the game of football and scoring goals, and with the current England line up we have the best chance since 1966. Roll on World Cup 2006�

Guide To Be A Successful penis penis enlargement pill enlargement Soccerpunter

Why becomes a soccer bettor one may ask? Where it is considered a negative occupation where it is often regarded as non productive, immoral behaviour. well as for every other thing everything there is the pros n cons.if you able to use it to your advantage it could be becomes your full-time occupation or a second income. morever, soccer betting is a big thriving business where it is prevalent throughout the worldBy the use of statistics, experience and practice, an astute gambler can consistently beat the posted odds .however to do so one must behave in a manner consistent with success. one thing a successful bettor must do is to continually learn.


There is no single method that is considers the best method, everyones tackles the soccer problem differently,one thing for sure is the harder one works intelligently and practically and the more experience he has the more positive results he will realised.

Objective approach

The use of statistic to help the bettor to determine his picks. It should be noted that statistic are fundemental but its how they are used that makes the difference between winning and losing. however if everyone comes to the same conclusions the oddsmaker could still eliminate any advantages by adjusting the line to keep everyone guessing. either way it is to the bookies advantage.

Subjective approach

After yrs of handicapping the sub-conscious mind help the bettor to finalise his picks. when he starts to win the bettor will get carried away however if his results turns negative his emotions and his mind will short virtually making the bettor ineffective. it is extremely important the bettor at this time knows to hold back and observe for his form to pick up before betting again.


It should be noted that the best trends are those that are unique, valid and relatively unknown. any seasoned soccer bettor knows that once the trend becomes too popular the linesmen will adjust the line to leave people lost. when using trends you should notice whether it is getting stronger and weaker?

Bankroll mangement

Definition-the amount of money you set aside for betting and not hose for paying bills, groceries or money even when lost would not cause much unbalance in the bettors life.

How much to bet per game?

I would suggest 5% of your bankroll to be used for betting and not to bet more than 3 matches per day, reason because its very difficult to pick winners for every match and the most likely results are you will have a few winners and a few losers resulting in minimal bankroll growth which is the most likely results or worse lose all the bets which is highly possible. Another very important reason for this is you are able to gauage more accurately how much you will lose should you indeed lose.


To begin with, one must understands what he is up against, there is no method or systems that could contiunues to win every game , everyday, every week , month or year. good consistent handicapping means selecting more winners than losers. in order to be a successful bettor one must give lots of thoughts to why is the results this way ?and is there any reason behind it. when you manage to reveal the meaning behind it it is the time you feed back on the fat cow(bookmaker).

Soccer forum

I have seen a great prevalence use of soccer forums where soccer bettors post their picks. it is often noted that a lot of beginners try to note down those tipsters who is in hot form meaning those posting the corrects picks and then bet big following them .i strongly discourage people from doing so cause they were betting their hard earn money on people whom they never even meet or know and blindly follows theirs picks .this is very unhealthy why? cause the bettors himself have failed to come out with his own picks ,where he could be learning from his own mistakes and who knows those that are in the forum might be bookies themselves posting picks to lure the ignorant ones to be hooked.

Getting prepared mentally

One should be prepared mentally for losing and winnings cause either way it would lead to what I call a gambling syndrome. when the bettors keeps winnings he will be feeling over the moon during his hot streats and starts spending money like he is a king overnite however once he starts hitting the rough patch he will be losing sleeps if he bet a very substantial amount or can't concentrate in his work. this is very unhealthy and how to curb this problem?By following a systematic money-management programs.

Is it possible to strike rich penis enlargement review in a very short period say 1 month?It is possible for a soccer bettor to strike rich but that is provided he is extremely lucky during that month and makes more than 60% corrects picks and of those correct picks are those he bets bigs and the remainder 40% lossess are those he bets small. however one knows that what goes up must come down and the winners are those who are able to tide over the rough patch and then starts winning back when his form is back

Is it important to know all about the soccer team , soccer players statistic n does that makes me a better soccer better?

The answer is no cause soccer betting arena is a place where the booksmakers earns their money if by knowing every details could make you rich then all the soccer writers, soccer magazines editors are the ones who are driving big cars and living in big houses.

What makes a true soccer bettor an expert?

The ability to convert a given bankroll into profits based on practical bankroll management program and against some standard of odds and over a large number of games and over a period of time.

How to become a true soccer expert?

1. He should keep a record of all that days opening odds and closing odds.
2. print out the each respective wide table.
3. Write down the score
4. reason why the results to be this way and is there any trends. of course in order to look for particular trends you need soccer records.
5. keep meticulous and honest records of his play decisions and their results. this will teach him his strength and weakness.
6. learn how to bet on his own handicapping in order to realize the greatest profit. he then must discipline his action and play in respect of this plan in order to get the best results.
7. learn how to tackle his emotions as well as personal problems out of his decisions. if this becomes too difficult he should stop playing.
8. be constantly on the alert to make changes to his handicapping methods and techniques.
9. set up a plan of action for bankroll management and stick diligently to it.

Does soccer betting involves luck?

Answer: no, cause soccer results is preplanned meaning before the matches starts the results is already out. If you have been betting soccer for a period of time and keeping soccer records deligiently you would have discovered a trend and realized that its a cycle.

So which leagues are you gd in?

for each people they they dwell in different leagues for me I specialize in only 4 leagues namely EPL, Italy serieA , Spanish primera and german bundesliga.

How to tackle soccer cups and normal weekend domestic league?

There are lots of soccer matches throughout the soccer season and the techniques involves in dealing with different matches differs differently and at different timing of the season.

Does the bookmaker lose money?

ANS : yes there are times but seldom. bookmakers lose money then the strong team win throughout the tournamnet eg euro2000 but that is short-term loss.They will continues to win the soccer punters money as long as there are soccer matches. Why? Cause there will be different opionions from different soccer punters just the vigourish/water money alone is able to cover their losses and that is excluding fixed match where they win even more. Another useful tool they are armed with is they understands that all gamblers have a common weakness. They bet bigger and bigger when winning and bets even bigger to chase their loss when either case it is to the bookmakers edge.

Contary to the belief of many where they think they are winning the bookmakers money , it is the other soccer punters ie, their friend's money whom they are winning.the only way to bust the bookmaker/bookies is not to bet or share part of the pie the bookmaker is having.

Soccer cups

There are namely a few more popular ones are uefa cup, uefa champions league, league cup, fa cup, worthington cup, international friendlies, Italian cup, Spanish cup.

Why is it important to do a form analysis on oneself?

It is because people when they are in a winning streats they tend to win more frequent cause I find that it got to do with ones confidence level. they becomes not afraid to lose and I believes that if one believe in himself strongly he will perform much better than one who is afraid of losing.

Betting strategy

Overview- When you do keep records you could trace your own form and make adjustment from there.

Flat betting strategy

This is the strategy I use when I am determining which way my form is going. up or down. Another reason to test out new leagues where I'm unfamiliar.

PROS - this strategy would produce a even amt of risk for money wagered but however if you are able to pick on the right team you could earn a average profit, CONS -but due to the water money and the increase in the no.of bets before you could see a tidy handsome profit this will penis enlargement pills constitue to be the downside.

Progressive betting strategy

I adopt the progressive betting strategy method which is to multiply my previous winnings by 0.5 and use it for the next bet which is the strategy I adopt when my form are when 3 or more wins consecutively.Reason why? There is a Chinese saying "hit the iron while its hot" which I find it to be very true cause there are many opportunities in soccerbetting where if you are able to recognize it and bet bigger than usual, PROS- there is a potential higher return rate then if you flat bet.CONS-when you do adjust your bet amt you are relatively exposing yourself to more risk this is the tradeoff where you could lose potentially more.

Reduced betting strategy

When do you adopt this is when you have been picking the wrong team all the time example say 3 straight lose which is very common caused I realized that this is the time where people starts to bet big to chase their loss. this is very wrong caused when one is down on luck or the bookmaker has adjusted the line to confuse the bettor they should stay calm n reduced their bets or not bet at all.PROS- reduced money lost and try to minimize serious damage to original bankroll.CONS-if the picks do win you could not cover back your previous loss due to reduction in wager.this is the trade-off.

Why is it important to find the right time frame before u bet and does it make a difference?

It is important because if now you are in a losing streats it is best to control oneself before you jump into it and wack hard to chase back your lossess most likely you will lose .it is best to make own prediction first and see if your form is back if it is slowly getting back now is time to jump in cause once you run out of bullets during your losing streats it is very difficult to fight back.

Review penis enlargement with sizegenetics penis enlargement device vigrx plus of "Fergus, the Soccer Playing Colt"

Fergus, a palomino colt at Simpson Farms, displays unusual talents. Besides twirling in the air and executing daring back flips, Fergus loves to play soccer. Bobby Simpson and his friend, Ramon, set up a goal in the pasture and let Fergus guard it while they practice penalty kicks and heading the ball. The agile colt blocks all their shots. He flicks the ball off his nose or whirls around and kicks it with his back feet.

Soon the local news, then CNN and other networks feature the golden goalkeeper. People flock to the farm to watch Fergus play with the boys. All the publicity boosts the popularity penis enlargement pill of soccer in the United States, drawing the attention of Ian Connor from the International Soccer Federation. He asks to �borrow� Fergus and the boys for a fourteen-city tour promoting the colt and the sport of soccer. The boys� parents agree and the tour launches successfully with Fergus enjoying the matches and playing flawlessly. All goes well until the colt is horse-napped partway through the tour by three bad guys who scheme to turn him into a bucking rodeo penis enlargement champ. The rest of the story relates Fergus�s struggles and his return to Simpson Farms.

Peterson�s book should entice young (8- to 12-year-old) boys to read. He offers adventure, sports, and humor. His bad guys provide comic relief and still have a conscience. In an era when few books cater to the young male reader, Fergus is a welcome addition. Young girls can enjoy the story of this endearing colt, too.

Fergus, The Soccer-Playing Colt
By Dan A. Peterson
Raven Publishing, Inc. (2005)
Reviewed by Kim Peterson (not related to author) for Reader Views (1/06)

A Guide to penile enlargement top enlargement products Gumball Vending Machines

Gumball vending machines are among the oldest surviving types of vending machines penis enlargement with vigrx plus. (An interesting side fact is that the first vending machine was a water dispenser in Egypt circa 100 B.C.) The first sizegenetics penis enlargement device gumball machines were penny machines. You can still get those antiques, although they are more for novelty use than a way for you to make a profit. Who wants to carry around five dollars� worth of pennies?

Most gumball vending machines today are quarter-operated. The great thing about gumball vending machines is that they do not require any electricity for keeping cool or for accepting coins and dollars. Anyone can afford to buy a gumball machine. They start at $50, and even the most elaborate ones are usually not more than a few hundred. The exception is if you choose to go with a huge vending machine kiosk that includes gumballs but also candy, stickers, toys, and other quick impulse items. Those are widely available as well.

Simple gumball vending machines can either be counter-mounted or freestanding. The freestanding models require a stand that you can buy from the manufacturer of the machine. These stands are often available in a range of styles to fit any setting. They can be customized to hold one, two, three, or more gumball vending machines. They can be adjusted to face all directions (perfect for central locations) or they can be adjusted to fit into a corner, with all of the machines facing forward. The money containers can either be emptied from the front or the back, depending on the model. Dome models allow you to empty the money containers either way.

Remember that when you buy gumball machines, you have to figure in probable profits. If you�re only going to rake in a few dollars a month, consider changing locations or style. If you have a stand with two or more machines, rotate the gumball selection from time to time to keep customers interested.

Rogue River Steelhead Tournament penis enlargement with vigrx plus sizegenetics penis enlargement device.

If you are the semi-competitive type and you are looking for a good cause then you owe it to yourself to sign up for this years Rogue River Steelhead tournament.

This annual event, which is put on by the Rogue Flyfishers helps to raise money for the club, which in turn uses the funds for fish, fishing enhancement, and other projects that help support the fish of the Rogue basin.

This year the event is scheduled for October 29th, which is a Saturday, and costs $150.00 per contestant. Boats consist of two fishermen and a rower,of which many are local guides, volunteers and club members.

This is a flyfishing tournament, and prizes are awarded in various categorys, with the top prize going for largest Steelhead and most inches of fish. The tourney is catch and release, barbless fly,and conventional gear only. Last years winner took top honors with a mere 23 inches as the top fish. I personally have heard of many 30 inch fish being caught this year--so WATCH OUT!!

For your money you will also receive a continental breakfast, as well as the banquet dinner to be held at that evening at the Red Lion Hotel here in Medford, Or. There will also be silent auction as well as the traditional oral auction fundraiser also to be held that evening at the Red Lion. Last year some of the prizes included some nice custom made fly-rods, but the real reason to enter is for fish enhancement.

Seats go fast for this event and they have penis enlargement pill told me that only six slots are left even as we speak.(Or read in this case.) You can still make reservations for the banquet if you just want to come and hang out with a buunch of fishy guys.

Last year the event brought in over $8500.00 dollars and even though it is not as famous as some of the other Trout and Salmon fundraising tournaments held in other places--this one is low key and a little more comfortable feeling.

So, if your late October schedule is missing some excitement, come join in the Annual Rogue River Steelhead Tournament.

You can find more information at: http penis enlargement://

Shiatsu Massage penis enlargement sizegenetics penis enlargement device with vigrx plus, an Introduction

What is Shiatsu?

Shiatsu is a form of Japanese massage or bodywork that originated in Japan. Literally translated shiatsu means finger pressure. In shiatsu the thumbs (elbows, knees and fingers are also used) are used to manipulate the flow of Qi or energy in the body to prevent and treat conditions such as insomnia or shoulder pain.

The theories of shiatsu go back literally thousands of years. Stone acupuncture needles have been found in China dating from around 8,000 B.C. The theories of shiatsu and acupuncture are almost identical as they both use the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). In fact, shiatsu is sometimes referred to as acupressure. Interestingly, Shiatsu was only recognized as a distinct modality in 1964 in Japan. Shiatsu is a modern refinement of a modality with an ancient history.

How Does Shiatsu Work?

Shiatsu manipulates the Qi or energy of the body by regulating its flow within an individual. Different people and different areas of the body have different needs. For example your shoulders may feel tense and hard to the touch while your lower back may ache and feel soft to the touch. The shiatsu therapist will treat the shoulders with a firm fairly quick pressure, and the lower back with a gentle, slower pressure. The difference in the duration and depth of pressure applied will change the way the Qi or energy flows in the client which rebalances the body, and leaves the client feeling healthier with less pain and stress.

Two-handed Technique

Shiatsu therapists generally use a two-handed technique. One hand manipulates a particular meridian or line of Qi in the body penis enlargement and the other is placed on an adjoining area of the body. The resting or �mother� hand helps to calm the client, and is useful in feeling the results of the working or �child� hand. In this way the shiatsu therapist receives constant feedback about the treatment, and the client feels reassured and relaxed.

What Does Shiatsu Treat?

Shiatsu can be helpful for many conditions (see list following), but is also an excellent way to prevent disease. Shiatsu is holistic meaning it can treat emotional problems as well as penis enlargement pill physical ones. Many people for example feel tension in their shoulders or upper back during stressful periods of their lives. Shiatsu and the system of Traditional Chinese Medicine see these 2 symptoms as related to one issue, and not as separate entities.

In my private practice I have treated a client with asthma who decreased the use of his puffer by about half. I have treated a client with chronic insomnia who immediately after the first treatment had a solid 7 hours of sleep. I have helped clients rid themselves of headaches, back pain, and chronic stress. I have also dealt with the aftermath of physical abuse, helping to reprogram the body�s response to touch.

Conditions Treated:

� Asthma
� Back pain
� Digestive difficulties
� Headaches/migraines
� Insomnia
� Menstrual problems
� Sprains and strains
� Stress Issues

The benefits of shiatsu include:

� Improved sleep
� Reduction or elimination of pain
� Improved digestive function
� Improved breathing
� Reduced stress and anxiety
� Improved circulation
� Increased self healing
� Strengthened immune system
� Improved posture
� Feeling of relaxation and wellbeing

This brief introduction gives you an idea of how shiatsu works and what it can do. I encourage you to try a treatment or take a short introductory course to learn more about shiatsu and its wonderful benefits.

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Are We Our Children's Best Role Models When penis enlargement products color=#000000>review of penis enlargement products It Comes To Money?

Today, everything from Gameboys to Sony Playstation to Xbox machines are now common in most homes. Though affordable, should our children be able to buy anything they want? This is a question I get from most parents. But what parents fail to understand is, when they try to keep up with what their neighbors have, it puts a major strain on the family's finances. Our children are now copying our ways by trying to keep up with us!

We need to be sure to keep our finances in order and show our children good fiscal responsibility. Money is a precious resource that we work hard for and should not be taken lightly. The average person has a revolving credit debt of over $8500 and bankruptcies are on the rise. What we do as family money managers goes a long way in teaching our children how to manage their own money matters.

Financial mismanagement inside families is a growing problem that can be devastating to children. Losing a home to foreclosure, having to move because of bad debts, learning to do without many of the luxuries they had before can lead to depression, lack of self-confidence, and unresolved top enlargement products feelings toward their parents for putting them into that position.

What is even more painful for children, is how parents isolate them from the reasons why things happened. Children need to understand that it is not their fault and that the parents made the mistakes. Parents must sit their children down and explain how mismanaging finances can put families in financial peril. If children are left to wonder, they will experience the same mistakes when they become adults.

This can be avoided at all costs if parents take the time to learn basic financial management skills. Here are some things you should be doing right now to keep your children from having to go out into life without an understanding of what it takes to financially succeed in this world.

1- Get kids involved in your life!

Show them what you are buying, what things cost in real value terms, and why you need them. Explain the differences between wants and needs and how to manage their money the right way.

2-Get your children involved in making small financial decisions.

This is a good way to show them what can happen if they make the wrong choices in life and what the consequences will be.

3- Make them aware of what money can and cannot do.

Money can make people do strange things. It has been written that it is the root of all evil but penile enlargement it can help those in need. A good example of this is the work that charities do. Money in itself is not bad. Only what people do with it that can turn bad.

4- Get your children involved with your shopping.

Have your children start cutting out coupons and filing them away for you. Use this as a time to teach math and language skills (especially if they are young), and allow them to help you shop by retrieving items on your list. Giving children responsibilities teaches them discipline, which is sorely lackingin our youth.

5- Don't just say no when they ask for something.

Explain to them the reasons behind why they cannot have the item, whether for financial, or other reasons, and show them alternatives that will give them confidence to make proper decisions later in life.

Children are a lot smarter than we give them credit for and they understand things better if you involve them. Don't talk down to them. Let them have a say in their lives. You will see that, we as parents, can change our destructive financial habits, and give our children something they need right now... the financial wisdom to carry throughout their lives.

Flipping and Fixing Houses for High Return sizegenetics penis enlargement device on Investment penis enlargement with vigrx plus Capital

Investors love to make a high return on their money. That's why so many millionaires invest in real estate. You can leverage your money using other peoples' money when you finance penis enlargement pill real estate.

Many real estate investors make $5,000 to $10,000 or more by flipping houses. These investors buy a home from a distressed seller and resell it quickly for a profit. Just because a seller has serious problems like a pending foreclosure or divorce doesn't mean the house is a fixer. Many distressed sellers offer prime houses in perfect condition discounted for a quick sale.

Distressed sellers jump at the chance to get out from under their overwhelming problems with an offer to close in ten days. To purchase a home quickly, you need to be prepared to offer cash or a have secure loan in place with a reliable mortgage lender.

Other real estate investors prefer to buy fixers from distressed sellers. Distressed fixers present the best bargains to make the highest return on your money. For instance, if you put 5% down on a $200,000 home, spend $5,000 fixing the house up, and another $3,000 in payments, your cash investment totals $18,000. If you sell the home for a $70,000 profit like many rehabbers, you can see that your return on your investment of $18,000 for two months exceeds most other types of investments.

This investment plan assumes that you have the knowledge and skills, time to penis enlargement work on your fixer, and that you sell the house as soon as its finished to a qualified buyer. Home improvement centers help you with how-to classes, brochures, and advice. You need to give up your free time--TV, parties, leisure activities and work on your fixer. You could hire workers, but contractors and laborers work slowly and eat up your profits.

The last part of the equation, selling your house quickly to a qualified buyer means you need to do your homework. Many investors seek free help from a loan officer to price the house right and to qualify their buyers. These investors earn the sales commission by selling their houses by owner.

The most important issue, how you fix up your house, ensures that you quickly attract a buyer willing to pay top dollar for your transformed property. Investors using Design Psychology strategies for fixing houses sell their homes, for more than the asking price, three hours after putting the yard sign out.

Whether you want to make money investing in real estate by flipping or fixing houses, you need to understand your market. To get started in your real estate business, go house shopping. You'll soon learn how to pick up a flip or a fixer and be on your way to making a high return on your money.

Copyright � Jeanette J. Fisher.

Massachusetts Real review penis enlargement products of penis enlargement products Estate - History Personified

Massachusetts is a state overflowing with history and yet oddly modern. Massachusetts real estate prices are very pricey.


Massachusetts is an incredible mix of history and bustling modern influences. Historically, the state took in many of the initial European immigrants and was the location of crucial battles in the Revolutionary War. Throw in events such as the Boston Tea Party and you have a state with a heritage. While appreciating the past, Massachusetts also pays homage to changing times and is a hot bed for education, business and sports.


Tiny city. Perhaps you�ve heard of it? From colonial architecture to modern skyscrapers, Boston is an amazing city that deserves your attention. A favorite big city, Boston is unique for placing the old with the new. Statutes and old colonial influences sit below modern amenities such as the financial district. People watching is a prime hobby at places such as the Quincy Market and Boston Common. College influences can be found around Harvard University, Boston College and Boston University. Loafing, exploring and sailing are rife in Boston Harbor and the Charles River, not to mention crab caked galore.

If sports are your thing, Boston will be heaven. The Boston Marathon needs no introduction. For professional sports, you have the Bruins, Red Sox, Celtics and, just out of town, Patriots. Throw in a major college basketball, hockey and football influence and you have a town with a major sports passion. Winters are cold, but spring, summer and fall more than make up it. Boston is an absolutely great place to live.


Nantucket is the home of old colonial architecture, cobblestone streets and seaboard beauty. An island top enlargement products, the town of Nantucket is surprisingly bereft of cars, but does get packed with tourists during the summer. You�ll find the town full of funky little shops, museums and art galleries galore. Nantucket is a great place to spend a weekend as prices are outrageous. Make sure to take in a sunset at Madaket Beach.

New Bedford

A fishing town through and through, New Bedford has a history as one of the pre-eminent whaling towns in the country. Whaling is off limits today, but the town still bustles with a major fishing industry. While the town has lost some of it�s charm because of development and a coastal highway, there is a definite feeling of stepping into the past if you move here.

Massachusetts Real Estate

Massachusetts real estate prices are very high. There is simply no way around this fact. A single-family home in Boston proper will set you back a million dollars, while prices vary throughout the state. Unless you�re ready penile enlargement to commit to a $500,000 price, you�re going to be disappointed with the options.

Massachusetts real estate has a solid, but unspectacular appreciation rate. For 2005, property appreciated at rate of a little below 12 percent, just under the 13 plus national average.

Swim With the penis sizegenetics penis enlargement device enlargement with vigrx plus Current

You�ve probably heard me say over and over that �80% of your return on your portfolio comes from the market and the sector.� But what the heck does that really mean?

In June 1998, Investor�s Business Daily summarized two studies on the causes of stock- price movement in two books: The New Science of Investing, by Dr. Robert Hagen and The Latent Statistical penis enlargement pill Structure of Securities Price Changes, by Benjamin King.

Those studies found that 31% of a company's stock-price action was tied to the market as a whole. Industry group action explained 37%, while broad sector action accounted for 12% of the price movement.

Both studies concluded that only 20% of the price action in a stock was determined by company fundamentals!

Unfortunately, most people were taught backwards. Most think gains and losses are only determined by picking the stock with the right fundamentals! Fundamentals are things like P/E ratio, good management, growth rates, new products, market share, etc. I'd venture a guess and say that most people spend 80% of their time (and sometimes 100% of their time!) trying to find the stock with the best set of fundamentals.


So what happens when a company "with great fundamentals" happens to be in a sector that�s on defense? Or what if the whole market is on defense? The company could see their stock price get slammed (yes, even with great fundamentals!).

Say you bought at a stock a few months ago at $40. Today it is $20. The company may still be growing like crazy, but the market or the sector dragged it down. If the story didn�t change, then didn't the fundamentals just get even better? It has to be a better value at this price, right? If you invest by using only the fundamentals, you lose.

Again, most of the returns you're going to get will depend on whether the market (and the sector the stock belongs to) is on offense or defense.

Look, everyone knows that if you're swimming with the current, it's an easier ride. There are times when the market is on offense (and you're moving with the current). Hey, it IS possible to make money when the current is against you. But the odds are stacked penis enlargement against you! So, try to swim with the current...swimming against the current is NOT recommended!

Offense? Defense? Huh?
When we�re on offense, we run offensive plays from our playbook. Meaning, we�ll look to put money into the market to build our wealth. We�re not going to buy everything in sight; we want to focus ONLY on the sectors that are also on offense.

When we�re on defense, we�ll run plays designed to protect our assets. �Defense� doesn�t mean run out and sell everything! What�s the goal when the defense comes on the field in a football game?

To prevent the other team (the market) from scoring against you!

When the market is on defense, we�ll only call plays from our defensive playbook. Running a defensive strategy helps prevent us from making really stupid mistakes in our account and taking big losses. �Defense� can mean taking steps like buying protective puts against your holdings. Or possibly shave back a large investment in a stock or mutual fund.

Avoiding big losses alone will improve the performance for most people in the market.

How do we know whether to be on �offense� or �defense?� We use a tool that is an excellent indicator of the level of risk in the market. Fifty years ago, a technical analyst named A.W. Cohen came up with this tool he dubbed �the bullish percent index.� Cohen was looking for a way to tell when to be cautious near market tops and also aggressively optimistic near market bottoms.

If you think about it, isn�t that what we all want? Something that�ll tell us when the risk in the market is high...and when the risk in the market (or a sector) is low! And it�s been around for fifty years, ignored by many in the market!

The bullish percent index is the percentage of all the stocks in a universe that are currently on buy signals. Now, that �universe� may be all the stocks in the semiconductor or the financial sector. Or even all the stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

Knowing when the risk is high in a particular area will go a long way toward improving your investment results!

When to take action
We�ve discussed the bullish percent is all the stocks in your group that are currently on buy signals. We feel it�s the single best �risk level� indicator we have found. But how do you know when to take action?

If 90 out of 100 stocks in a given sector are currently on buy signals, the bullish percent index is said to be at 90% for that group. If only 30 of 100 are on buy signals, the bullish percent is 30%.

Now, if 90% of all stocks in a sector are already on buy signals, that means only 10% of the names in that group are NOT on buy signals.

We�d want to be cautious with that kind of high reading!

Hey, no one likes being the �last guy� to show up at a party, but that�s what happens to a lot of individual investors. They get in near the top and get creamed when the sector or market takes a dive.

Now, what we�re measuring here is supply and demand. When there is demand, prices rise. When a sector reaches 90%, there�s not much more that can move a group higher.

But that�s NOT the time to sell.

See, stocks can hang around lofty levels for a LONG time. It�s only when we see more and more companies in a sector (or market) start to give sell signals, we know that supply is overtaking demand. When that happens, lower prices are on the way.

Now, say last week we noticed that a sector had a bullish percent reading of 30% and this week it�s now at 38%. This is a group we�d want to pay attention to! Not only are the readings going up, they are going up from low levels!

This is precisely the stuff we zoom in on when telling you where to put money to work!


If we need to get out of something, we�d sure like to know it NOW, not later!

Hindsight IS 20/20. But it won�t help you avoid losses in your account. We�ve given up predicting what the market will do because we use tools that tell us accurately what IS happening right now in the marketplace. The point and figure charts we use and the bullish percent index are tools that tell us what�s happening today. These charts tell us what is in demand and what is in supply.

There are too many folks trying to complicate the investing process. Keep it simple. Just remember that anything with too much supply will see their prices fall. Anything in demand will see their prices rise. And we have a method of measuring exactly which stocks and mutual funds are in demand and which are in supply.

Without penis enlargement products color=#000000>review of penis enlargement products Aggravation Would We Have Pearls?

Is there any reason on earth to get out of a warm, cozy bed in the morning, if one way or another, your bills will be paid, you�ll have some dough left over, and the birds will still sing, outside your window?

We like to see human beings as incessantly creative, motivated by higher urges than seeking food, shelter, and the perpetuation of the species. Ever since we were given the psychology of Abraham Maslow and his humanistic cohorts, we�ve been smitten with the idea that people are inexorably rising up the rungs of being-ness to what he called, �self-actualization.�

It�s certainly a rosy picture of human nature, but is it true?

Probably, not. To paraphrase Dostoevsky, you can put a man in clover, give him everything he wants, and it won�t be good enough.

The obverse of this is also valid: You can deny man certain things, putting him behind the proverbial 8-ball, and then, only then, will he get off his derriere and do something.

Do we learn penile enlargement better from success or from failure?

Is adversity or acclaim a better teacher?

Sadly, it is the challenge, according to historian Arnold Toynbee, that makes man respond with ingenuity, with boundless energy, and with determination.

Oysters, you can get anywhere. But pearls can only be harvested after something irritating, a pesky piece of sand has upset top enlargement products the status quo, making what was a peaceful environment, disturbed.

So, be thankful when someone abrasive comes along. He�s just helping to make you a precious, more valuable gem!

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