Saturday, May 24, 2008

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La Jolla, the "Jewel" review penis enlargement products of penis enlargement products Vacation

The perfect vacation, La Jolla, Spanish for �the jewel,� will quickly become a precious gem of your heart. Boasting some of California�s most beautiful terrain and attractions, La Jolla (pronounced la hoya) is also the home of exquisite arts, restaurants, activities, and shopping. Just a short drive north of San Diego, you won�t need a passport to visit this exotic paradise.

The average April temperature is in the high-60�s. Even in December, temperatures stay around 65 degrees. The average temperature for August is a mild and breezy 75 degrees. Regardless of when you visit, you�re almost guaranteed perfect vacation weather.

How do you pick the right vacation rental? Answer a few questions. How many people in your party? How long are you staying? What do you want to do during your stay? How much money do you want to spend?

You can choose to stay on the breathtaking beaches, especially if you want to surf, windsurf, or swim. Between January and March this area is great for whale watching. Of course, the sunset in La Jolla is the main attraction penile enlargement. Stay near �The Children�s top enlargement products Pool� area, close to amazing offshore reefs perfect for scuba diving and snorkeling. The area, also known as �Casa,� is just a short walk away from town. Catch a glimpse of wildlife on Seal Rock, just offshore, which is home to seals and sea lions.

Here, there is a fine line between a luxury vacation and a business trip in La Jolla. Even the fiercest workaholic can find leisure and entertainment. The golf courses have ocean views. It�s easy to plan a fantastic family vacation around your business trip. Legoland, the San Diego Zoo, many aquariums, and Disneyland make great day trips to bring out the kid in all of us.

Endless entertainment awaits you at La Jolla. The area thrives with gourmet restaurants, music, and theater. Nightclubs, wine bars, and comedy clubs entertain all sorts of pleasures. The La Jolla Playhouse opens its doors to award winning performing arts.

Boutique shopping makes Beverly Hills jealous. Girard Avenue and Prospect Place boast dozens of unique shops. Shopaholics are sure to find the right gift and La Jolla visitors won�t be able to leave without a souvenir from this dream vacation.

The tranquil coastline turns hiking into a spiritual journey. Windsurfing, surfing, and even skydiving are better with the picturesque Pacific Ocean backdrop. Not up for so much activity? Try a relaxing day of spa pampering or sunbathing. La Jolla boasts many exclusive luxury spa resorts. The dramatic panorama of scenery is an indulgent place for weddings, holidays, anniversaries, and private romantic getaways.

La Jolla satisfies many interests, including the more sporting activities. Yellowtail, shark, and rock cod and other invigorating sport fishing trips are available almost year-round. A short drive to San Diego wins big with professional baseball and football, and minor league hockey.

Whether you�re traveling alone for business or taking the family on vacation, La Jolla will take your breath away. With so many attractions, you�ll have to come back again to do it all. And with La Jolla residents expressing such wonderful hospitality, you�ll always feel welcome.

Copyright (c) 2006

Do you Know the Origin penis enlargement penis enlargement pill of Basketball?

Do you know the origin of basketball?

The origins of the game of basketball can be traced back to a gentleman by the name of Dr. James Naismith. In 1861, Naismith was born in Almonte, Ontario, Canada. During his early school days, Naismith would play a game called duck on a rock whereby the child would endeavor to knock the duck off the top of the rock with a toss of another rock.

Later on, Naismith would go on to McGill University in Montreal and would later become McGill University's Athletic Director. He would subsequently move on to YMCA Training School in Springfield, Massachusetts and in 1891, the game of basketball began.

Given the cold Massachusetts winters, Naismith needed to find a recreational activity that could be played indoors and he preferred a sport that would develop skill and one that was not exclusively relying on strength. The first game was played with two peach baskets for goals and a soccer ball.

Further to his credit, Naismith became a medical doctor specializing in sports physiology and a Presbyterian minister. Naismith was able to see his beloved sport penis enlargement pills of basketball, gain acceptance in numerous countries through the YMCA since 1893. As well, the sport of basketball was brought forth at the Berlin Olympics in 1936. As we speak, the game of basketball has become a very popular professional penis enlargement review sport.

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Cyberspace has certainly shrunk the margin of error ...

Colloquialisms used to take quite a while to become embedded in a local vernacular. For example, the Americans expunged the British from the colonies in 1789, but based upon personal letters exchanged between the two countries which have been noted by historians, it took until the 1830s before comments were made noticing a distinct difference in accents between them.

Local dialects will always be a fixture in geographical cultures. However, as more and more of us traverse both cyberspace and the real world, basic pronunciations are becoming a bit of an issue.

I just noticed this again in the world of sport, when a national broadcast featured the recent darlings of NCAA basketball, Gonzaga University from Spokane, Washington. The locals there insist that the name be stated as 'Gon-ZAEG-ah,' but inevitably, sports announcers from elsewhere defer to 'Gon-ZAHG-uh' until corrected by the locals.

However, the Gonzaga name has been a part of Italian history since the 1300s, and anyone who has studied it or been exposed to it from that much deeper context knows that the correct pronunciation is 'Gon-ZAHG-uh.' Ludovico Gonzaga not only established his family's dynasty over the Italian state of Mantua in 1328, but his family became a cultural and military force in that area for the better part of five centuries.

You'll even note that the Spokane university has an extension program in Italy and still steadfastly maintains its preference for the colloquial pronunciation. Trust me, in Europe, it's penis enlargement with vigrx plus called 'Gon-ZAHG-uh.' However, alumni from the Spokane campus, from Bing Crosby to John Stockton, learned to refer to their alma mater as 'Gon-ZAEG-ah.'

This raises the age-old question of proper pronunciation etiquette, of course. Do we go with the traditional and accurate version sizegenetics penis enlargement device of a proper name if we are aware of it or with the colloquial preferences which, for some reason, took hold in a certain area?

Another classic example is N�tre Dame. The correct French, of course, is 'Noht-ruh Dahm.' Use the Americanized version anywhere else in the world at the risk of being castigated as a hayseed. And yet, the Jesuit university based in South Bend, Indiana, obviously prefers the local pronunciation.

The universalization of products broaches the same issue. For example, the German beer 'L�wenbr�u' is pronounced 'LUH-ven-broy' everywhere except in English-speaking countries and the Swedish furniture store, IKEA, is universally stated as 'ee-KAY-uh.' Try pronouncing those in the proper way and it's odds-on you'll be met with a blank stare or looked upon as a snob. But, what have you done except say the name accurately?

Of course, in commercialism, it's the bottom line that dictates pronunciation. There is no better example than the legendary German shoe tycoon, Adi Dassler, who used his own name as the basis for his corporate image. While most of the world refers to his sporting footwear as 'AH-dee-dahs,' Americans somehow found a way to call it 'Uh-DEE-duhs.' Go figure. Dassler never minded, though. Dollars spent just as easily as any other currency.

Other famous names have been subject to colloquialization in their own right. In hockey, Teemu Selanne is a Finnish star who has been in the NHL for quite a while. He may have come to North America as 'TAE-moo SAY-lah-nuh,' but any hockey fan on the continent will know him only as 'TEE-moo Seh-LAH-nee.'

Sometimes, we even see the metamorphosis from universal to colloquial pronunciation occur before our very eyes. In baseball, Bill Mueller has been a solid major-league baseball player since his debut with the San Francisco Giants in 1996. At that time, he went by the traditional German pronunciation of his surname of 'MYOO-luhr.' However, somewhere along the line, he decided and subsequently announced that his surname was best said aloud as 'Miller.' Who knows why? What does one do then? Correct someone on how to state his own name?

Actor Jake Gyllenh�ll has Swedish roots. His surname literally means 'Golden Way' and should be stated as 'YEE-lehn-hole.' North Americans find it easier to say 'JEE-lehn-hall.' I've never seen anything that indicates where Jake stands on the issue. He's probably too busy being talented and rich.

This is why I find it difficult to criticize anyone who uses either pronunciation. It's a matter of context as to who's right. Like the famous breath-mint commercial says, they both are.

My rule of thumb is simple. In any situation, if there's more of them than there are of you and pronunciation becomes a volatile issue, they're right. Otherwise, universality prevails.

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The score is tied 1-1. It�s you and the goalie with ten seconds left. You dribble left, then right, you shoot . . . GOOOAAALLL!!! "Association Football", "football" or, in this age, "soccer" is considered an international pastime. It is played in more towns, cities, and countries than any other sport in the world. Millions share the love for this sport. Comparable to baseball in the US, or hockey in Canada, soccer enjoys the same reputation in the countries of Europe and South America. The sport�s popularity is swiftly growing in America. So what is it about this sport that attracts more and more participants every year? What is it that invites crowds of a hundred thousand fans and sparks these crazed fans into an uncontrollable rage and a sudden state of chaos? Something that has captivated the rest of the world is beginning to gain a foothold in the US. However, soccer did not enjoy a successful beginning.

It wasn�t until the late 1800�s that a man by the name of William McGregor introduced the FA Cup and international matches, which saved the game from obscurity. The earliest forms of soccer were played three centuries ago and quite rapidly evolved into a game radically different from its origins and thus flowered the irresistible spectacle still recognizable so many years later.

Soccer is the name commonly given in North America to a form of football played with a spherical ball. It is the most widely played team game in the world and the most popular spectator sport, followed avidly by hundreds of millions of fans. Originally called association football (the name soccer is a corruption of the word assoc derived in turn from association), (Funk and Wagnalls New Encyclopedia) soccer is distinguished from American or Canadian football and Rugby in that it is primarily played with the feet. It also differs from these games in that, soccer being speedier, players must improvise their tactics as play proceeds, constantly shifting their positions to receive or intercept passes. Teams of 11 players play on a field no more than 130 yd x 100 yd and not less than 100 yd x 50 yd. The basic objective of the game is for one team to force the ball, by kicking it or using the chest or head, past the goalkeeper and into the goal. The ball is a leather-covered sphere 27 to 28 in. in circumference and weighing 14 to 16 ounces. The game is played in two 45-minute halves. The team scoring the most goals wins the game.

All that is needed to play soccer is a ball, goals, and, for those who want, uniforms consisting of shorts, socks, cleats. It can even be played barefoot. This simplicity and informality is a chief reason for the worldwide popularity of the game. Because tackling is not as violent as in other forms of football and the round ball is more easily controlled than an oval one, soccer is especially suited to younger players.

Soccer has been a part of my life since I was five years old. I have been playing now for twelve years. My experiences in soccer have changed from the first games where 11 players ran in a bunch following the ball, to where now we use a complex system of passing using triangles. Some fans have told me that our system seems difficult to learn and play but when broken down, it is very simple. I have learned a lot about the sport. When I started to play higher levels of soccer I had to make a commitment. As a member of this year's varsity soccer team I spend close to 24 hours a week on the soccer field. My coach played semi-pro soccer in Scotland. Nearly every coach in Utah knows him. He trains us harder than any other coach I have ever had. When I played with him several years ago our team went 16-0-1. We were ranked #1 in the state. With commitment and hard work our team hopes to continue our coach's winning tradition.

In 12th century England the most primitive forms of soccer were played on the battlefield. Stories tell of using the enemy's skull as a ball. Another tells of a brave village defeating a Roman team and running them out of town in 217 AD. They took over their whole town including houses, shops, fields and livestock (gives a new meaning to the old saying, "Winner takes all"). Twelfth century soccer was a violent sport with little or no rules. (Origins of the Game)

Native Americans used to play a game called Pasuchuakohowog penis enlargement pill meaning, "They gather to play ball with the foot." Beaches, a half-mile wide with goals one-mile apart, served as playing fields for as many as 1000 people at a time. Games were often rough, resulting in broken bones. No one could be identified because players disguised themselves with ornaments and warpaint making retaliating close to impossible. It was common for games to be carried over from one day to the next with a feast for all at the conclusion of the match. (Origins of the Game)

It is important to understand that "football" began to be used specifically to describe association football in Europe some time after the Football Association was formed in London in 1863. The Football Association was not set up with the intention of creating a "new" game. The wealthy young Britons who formed the Association had all attended exclusive schools, each fanatically proud of their own traditions and each with their own soccer rules. Now, the Football Association, with their universally acceptable rules for one game only, came into being to provide a game overseen by gentlemen for young gentlemen. It was some years before the world game of today became faintly recognizable. (1000 Years of Football Trivia)

The world's first league was formed in April 1888. The driving force was William McGregor, a Scottish shopkeeper, teetotaler, and deeply religious chairman of the Aston Villa club in Birmingham, which later became the world's first "super club." The league came just in time for soccer, which was struggling to find its true role yet again after the legalization of professional teams in 1885. The forces of amateurism, then represented by the public schools and universities and their powerful position in British society, still saw paid play as an evil. However, strictly organized weekly league competition proved to be the foundation stone of the professional game. The so-called "Baines cards," an amazing series of printed paper cards, were the first brilliant commercial project to spring from popular sports with mass appeal. International matches also helped to revitalize the game. The first international match was played between England and Scotland. A new side of the game was added with these international matches. Players were now playing teams they knew nothing about. They knew nothing about their style of play, their abilities, or their strengths and weaknesses. (1000 Years of Football Trivia)

The evolution of soccer has also meant that rules had to change to keep up with the level of competition. Some of the major alterations over the years include:

1580: A certain Giovanni Bardi published a set of rules of the game of "calcio".
1848: The first Cambridge Rules are drawn up.
1877: The associations in Great Britain formed to gain a uniform code.
1886: June 2, first official meeting of the International Football Association Board.
1891: Introduction of the penalty-kick.
1913: FIFA becomes a member of the International F.A. Board.
1925: Amendment of offside rule from three to two players.
1937-38: The present Laws framed in a new system of codification but based on the Laws previously in force.
1997: The Laws revised.


On May 21, 1904 seven countries formed an organization called Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA). The countries of France, Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland assembled FIFA in order to distinguish it unequivocally from "Union Football", or rugby. The split between the two sports occurred in the central English town of Rugby in 1823, when a player of the home team scored a goal by picking up the ball and running with it. The classic version of the game, association football, adhered to the original round ball, while the derivatives, rugby and American football, chose to introduce an oval ball. (

The World Cup is a tournament involving 36 teams. Each team fights for respect, glory, fame, distinction and bragging rights. The atmosphere surrounding this tournament is tremendous. The tournament is held every four years, with the Olympics in between. The first World Cup was held in Uruguay in 1930. Thirteen teams competed for the first World Cup victory. In 1958 the sixth World Cup was held, during which the first television transmission of the game was held. The traditional black and white ball was introduced to show up better on the first black and white televisions. In 1994 the United States welcomed the world by staging the World Cup for the first time. Breaking numerous records, World Cup USA, 1994 is heralded as the best World Cup ever. The most successful World Cup team is Brazil. Brazil has won the tournament more times than any other team. Their success has been accredited to Pel� who led the team to three championships in twelve years.

Edson Arantes do Nascimento, or better known as Pel� is considered the greatest soccer player of his time. He was born in Tr�s Cora�es, Brazil on October 23, 1940. Pel� was famed for his powerful kicking and brilliant field strategy. He was an amazing soccer player to watch. Anyone who has ever played the game can't help but hold a tremendous amount of respect for his abilities. He scored 1200 goals in 1253 games making him the only player to score 1000 goals during a career. He began playing as an inside left forward for the Santos Football Club in 1956 and six years later the team won it's first world club championship. He also led Brazil to three World Cup championships in 1958, 1962, and 1970. In 1975 the New York Cosmos signed Pel� for 2.8 million dollars, thus making him the highest paid soccer player ever. He retired after leading the Cosmos to the NASL Championship. Pel� was inducted into the U.S. Soccer Hall of Fame in 1993.

America's role in the development of soccer was minute until the middle part of the 20th century. Our nation was one that long resisted soccer's spread. By 1820, many American colleges played soccer, but there was no intercollegiate competition. The rules were casual and often changed. On November 6, 1869 Princeton University and Rutgers University engaged in the first intercollegiate soccer match in New Brunswick, NJ. The Rutgers team won the match 6-4. Soon immigrants from England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales arrived in the US in the metropolitan areas of the East, Midwest and Pacific Coast. Before long, communities with textile mills, shipyards, quarries or mines had a soccer team among its immigrant population. The US Football Association (USFA), now US Soccer Federation, was granted full membership in FIFA in 1914, and in the USA's first international match on August 20 they defeated Sweden 3-0. Despite this first victory the US usually lost to foreign teams. However, on June 29 during the 1950 World Cup in Brazil, a star player named Gaetjen scored the winning goal and the US defeated England 1-0. It was perhaps, the biggest upset ever in international soccer. In 1989 Paul Caligiuri scored the biggest goal in US soccer history since Gaetjens goal against England. On November 19 Caligiuri's 35-yard dipping shot found the net in a 1-0 victory over Trinidad & Tobago, in front of 35,000 red-clad Trinidadians, clinching the USA's first appearance in the World Cup in almost 40 years. The US team qualified for the World Cup for the fourth time this year. Their road to the World Cup was not an easy one. They tied a very good Mexico team 1-1. They also had to beat Canada, and El Salvador. The team has very high hopes and a good chance to do well.

Soccer has entrenched itself well in America, not only among men but among women also. The first women's teams were formed in England in the 1880's and participation has expanded dramatically. (1000 Years of Football Trivia) More and more women are playing every year. In America, the women's national team is enjoying much more success than the men. In 1991 the US Women�s National Team captured the first ever FIFA Women's World Championship in China with a 2-1 win over Norway on November 30. This was the only time an American team had ever won a world title. In the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta the women's team won the gold medal. Now more programs are being started for young girls to have their own soccer team to play on. These "feeder" programs help increase the level of play in high school and college. This in turn helps the sport�s popularity.

We have all seen it, heard it, and read it. Soccer isn't a "real" sport. Soccer is boring. Soccer is only for geeky, gym-class kids with pocket-protectors and thick glasses. Soccer is a foreign game for hooligan, drunken psycho-fans. Soccer is just plain un-American. Just before the 1994 World Cup, Mike Barnacle of the Boston Globe described soccer as "a mindless sport where hordes of incomprehensible athletes run aimlessly in a circle until everyone is dehydrated and, finally, some guy uses his skull to score a touchdown." (American Attitudes Toward Soccer) No other sport is treated to such consistent degradation in the press. Tom Weir wrote in USA Today in December 1993, that "hating soccer is more American than apple pie, driving a pickup, or spending Saturday afternoons channel surfing with the remote control." (American Attitudes Toward Soccer) What is it about soccer that generates this degradation? What is often called "soccer bashing" is really based on century-old notions that branded football as the manly, American games, while soccer was either a sport for immigrants or a sport for fitness.

Soccer has survived rule changes and alterations. This sport must have something that no other sport has. What is it? Is it the constant action and fast paced play? Is it the penis enlargement simplicity in getting a game started? Is it the fact that the sport is relatively safe? I think it is a combination of all of these. Soccer is played in every country in the world. In the street alleys of Mexico kids gather barefoot and play with a ball that is thirty years old. Playing soccer to these kids is like bike riding or rollerblading to American kids. These kids don't need expensive equipment, team managers, or any organized play. Yet these players develop into some of the greatest players to ever lay foot on a soccer ball. In order for soccer to finally take its place as a mainstream American spectator sport, we must change the way the game is perceived. First, we must continue to create American soccer heroes like Michelle Akers or Cobi Jones. Second, we must change soccer�s foreign stereotype. Soccer in the U.S. is as old as baseball and is no more foreign than golf. Moreover, many of America's greatest players during those early years were not born in this country. But to change the "ethnic" tag, we must recognize that all of those so-called "immigrants" are also our fathers and our grandfathers. As Sam Foulds, the late historian for the USSF, liked to say, they are "Americans of foreign birth." Just like each one of them, soccer has always been an American game of foreign birth.

10 Best Reasons penis enlargement Older Adults Need to Practice Yoga and the Soft Martial penis enlargement pill Arts

Today, millions penis enlargement pills of older Americans are experiencing a higher quality of life by taking an active and positive approach penis enlargement review to their personal wellness. They are enjoying improved health and successful living by becoming self-educated, personally responsible and proactive. The most successful are those who adopt a whole-person wellness model, addressing the needs of the body, mind, and spirit.

Most people know about the research that shows that regular exercise provides a wide range of health benefits and, perhaps most importantly, can preserve function and independence. Fewer realize that their choice of exercise activity can produce another host of unexpected benefits. By choosing mind/body exercises, such as yoga or soft martial arts (like Chi Gung and T�ai Chi), older adults can unleash even greater health and vitality.

Yoga and Chi Gung (as well as all other soft arts) are ideal choices for older adults because they positively affect the whole person: body, intellect, emotions, and spirit. They increase vital energy while strengthening and soothing the body, focusing the mind, and nurturing the spirit.

The ten best reasons older adults need a mind/body practice are:

Body � Caring for the body improves health, preserves your ability to function and preserves independence. Yoga and Chi Gung offer powerful protection from falls � a major threat to older adults!

1. Strengthen Muscles and Bones� Yoga especially builds muscle strength and bone mass. The vital weight-bearing postures of yoga stimulate the bones to retain calcium. In yoga, both the upper and lower body receive the benefits of bearing weight, unlike walking or running.

2. Improved Heart and Respiratory Health� Chi Gung and the soft martial arts have been shown in studies to improve circulation, heart health, and respiratory function. Yoga breathing exercises are very powerful tools to increase respiratory function, breath capacity and physical energy. Both increase vitality and sense of well-being.

3. Increased Flexibility� Yoga and Chi Gung both increase overall flexibility, contributing to improved everyday functioning and mobility, and protection from falls. Despite popular notions, you do not need to be flexible to practice yoga. The idea is to practice at your current level with patience and compassion, gently becoming more pliable.

4. Better Posture� Good posture calls upon our new strength and flexibility to keep our spine healthy and strong. Healthy body posture supports digestive and respiratory functions as well. Poor posture in combination with osteoporosis leads to stress fractures.

5. Improved Balance� Balance gives older adults the confidence to move freely and to engage in physical activities. One of the most important parts of a senior fitness program is balance training. Seniors who exercise and practice balance activities, like those found in yoga and Chi Gung, can avert the devastating effects of a fall � the second leading cause of accidental death for seniors. Balance is an intangible force that many people take for granted.

6. Increased Energy� Yoga and Chi Gung are, in essence, ancient renewal and balancing systems for our vital energy. More than the sum of their parts, these practices gently revitalize the body. The term �Chi� itself means �energy�, and �Chi Gung� literally means �energy work�.

Mind - Challenging the mind is crucial to staving off diseases like Alzheimer�s. Be sure to stimulate your intellectual dimension through learning new information and exploring topics that require judgment and decision-making. The physical aspects of a mind-body practice lead directly to a mental sense of rootedness, stability and balance.

7. Intellectual Stimulation� Learning a mind-body exercise is like learning a new language with its own vocabulary and rules. It takes focused attention. It is a practice�a journey of exploration. Yoga and the soft martial arts also invite us to explore a way of thinking that may be very unfamiliar to us.

8. Emotional Support� The philosophies infusing yoga and Chi Gung encourage us to be mindful of the present moment, to be aware and grateful of all around us, and to let go of our attachments of how we think things should be. This positive outlook leads to a sense of calm and well-being.

Spirit - A new study shows that once people retire, they adopt a new sense of time and their place in the world as their values and beliefs begin to change. Adding a spiritual dimension to your exercise activities offers additional wellness benefits. In addition to yoga and Chi Gung, consider nature walks and �mindful� strength training and meditation in all forms.

9. Connecting with the Big Picture� A mindfulness practice is a direct way to practice connecting with a truth larger than ourselves. Practicing becoming quiet and receptive allows our inner wisdom to be heard. Older adults have indicated a desire to search for �the meaning of life�. Practitioners of yoga and the soft arts create a deep sense of richness and unity in their lives.

10. Inner Exploration� Central to the spiritual dimensions of the older adult is the desire to explore the inner self. Beyond the physical exercises of yoga and Chi Gung, they challenge us to look deeply at ourselves, to �be� with ourselves. We learn to celebrate our strengths and forgive our weaknesses while practicing patience and focused concentration.

Copyright 2005 Karen B. Cohen All Rights Reserved.

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Lost Secrets of Making Money In Today's penis enlargement pill World�Part penis enlargement Three

Earlier, in Part One and Two, we talked about the principles and concepts of creating money and that leads to vast wealth. As a refresher, here are the topics again:

1. Knowing Value
2. Practicing Conservatism
3. Paying Yourself First and we touched upon,


Now, I am are going to talk about Number 4., so let�s proceed.

Like a lever that can move large masses very easily and accomplish more in less time, so you too can create wealth faster with leverage than with savings and the practicing of conservatism. Conservatism is not wasting what you have.

Working for an hourly wage is not going to make you wealthy and practicing conservatism would just keep you going on and make ends meet and perhaps live very well. However, you will not amass great wealth.

For that, you need to create leverage. Leverage is the art or technique you can use to create or formulate a system whereby you�ll generate MULTIPLE STREAMS OF INCOME by earning a portion of the revenues generated from projects.

A good example might be as follows:

You wrote a book, and negotiated with your publisher who thinks you have a No. 1 best seller on our hands. He accepts all the risks and finances the publishing of the book and market it on the premise that you collect 10% from gross sales. Whether it is a winner or not, you get your 10% of the gross sales according to contract and all you did was wrote the book. This is a form of leverage. The money you earn from this could well be several times more than you�ll earn in a whole year. This is the power of leverage.

Another example: You created a machine or product -- physical or chemical- like a shampoo spray, bathroom cleaner etc., and you arranged with a manufacturer to make it in large quantities and then distribute it to thousands of distributors throughout the country�or the world. Your take in this, like before is, say 1 to 5 percentage of the revenues. By now you can see how easy you can become a multi millionaire from these types of leverage techniques. You�ll never have to work another day in your life if you set up a system like this for yourself. You can learn a new craft, trade, use your inherent talent to create products and services for sale and you will surely come up with a winner if you keep at it.

In a minute I�ll show you how you can set one up for yourself with a little effort on your part. You do not have to create a vehicle to financial success, one is already created for you. All you will have to do is make it work. Well show you how, every step of the way.

This is the real secret to creating great wealth � money to burn etc., or whatever you want to call it. The secret is to put little effort to gain the most output. You�ll learn how to invest in several projects and you�ll see how 20% of your investment will generate 80% profits for you. You work smart, not hard. Work less. Make more.


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But, however you cut it, you will still have to pay Uncle Sam some of it by employing legal Tax Avoidance strategies, despite the creative tax accounting that you may employ.

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Cell Phone review of penis enlargement penis enlargement products products Batteries

Cell phones have been a steadily growing phenomenon. In today�s world, owning a cell phone isn�t a luxury � it�s a necessity. This has proved to be true many instances like when the car breaks down in the middle of nowhere. Also it provides a measure of comfort to parents who can contact their children whenever they want. Cell phones have made day-to-day business more convenient and a great take along for vacations. Various accessories to go along with cell phones are constantly being updated. Digital cameras and hand free headsets are two of the most popular accessories.

With all the great reasons why everyone should have a cell phone, it is best to keep in mind that a cell phone is useless if the battery is dead. A mobile phone with no battery might as well be a toy rather than a useful gadget. Most cell phones come with the viz., lithium ion batteries. Almost all the major companies have their mobile phones equipped with these lithium ion batteries. Lithium ion batteries are rechargeable batteries that can run for a couple of years with careful usage.

Nickel penile enlargement cadmium rechargeable batteries give less performance if recharged before complete discharge. Also, these batteries have a smaller life and are not high powered. Alternatively, lithium ion batteries are lightweight, high powered and do not need to discharge completely before being recharged.

Lithium ion batteries are an ideal choice for cell phones and can be modeled for all kinds of mobile phones. Cell phone users must have a power connection to connect the mobile phone with a power cord to charge. The charge can be as little as 5 minutes for emergency usage. Cell phone batteries with the phone, and replacement batteries are available from the manufacturers.

Although research is being conducted top enlargement products to develop nuclear batteries that are far superior to even the lithium batteries, they are not yet available. Current market indicates that the lithium ion batteries are the best choice for all cell phone users.

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