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Baseball Jerseys- Every Jersey Has a Story to Tell
Who knows the charm and delight of wearing baseball jerseys better than a baseball fan? Probably every American Baseball League fan has a baseball jersey and in her/his closet. Use of sports equipment only by the baseball players is an outdated phenomenon. Now baseball jersey has become a normal piece of clothing of American Baseball League and Major Baseball league fans.
Authentic Jerseys- Fashionable Clothing and a Collector's Delight
Baseball jersey is popular among baseball fans because it not only looks good and trendy but also is normally acceptable attire in most of the places. Moreover, it is much more than a fashion statement. Baseball jersey you wear is your personal statement of your baseball affiliation, liking and style.
These jerseys come in a blend of cotton and polyester and are very comfortable to wear and convenient to wash and maintain. You can easily find a jersey of your favorite Major League Baseball penis enlargement with vigrx plus team in all sizes. Even junior baseball fans can have a jersey for their size. You can easily locate a baseball jersey for your needs at the sports apparel store, sports equipment stores, local departmental store and online sports equipment stores. Online sports apparel stores have wonderful collections of authentic jerseys, replica jerseys and custom jerseys sizegenetics penis enlargement device for baseball players and fans.
Off late, authentic jerseys of American Baseball League and Major Baseball league players has become extremely popular. Authentic jerseys are available for almost all popular baseball teams and players of present as well as the past. Some people have amazing collections of these authentic jerseys and replica jerseys of baseball players.
The collectors display their authentic jerseys as their prized collection. These collectors have a story to tell for every jersey in their collection. Every jersey has a history and interesting story about the player, team and match. Some collectors have custom jerseys with signatures of their favorite baseball stars and even complete baseball teams.
Hiring penis penis enlargement pill enlargement a Contractor
When it comes to home repairs, you will want to make sure that you hire a reputable contractor. A good contractor can get the job done as inexpensively as possible and at the same time can provide you with quality service. In fact, finding a good contractor is a crucial move and if you fail to find one you may find that you will pay heavily for the mistake in the future. Let's take a look at what one should do when looking for a professional contractor for home repairs.
First, when you are looking for a professional repair person, don't just hire the first person you find in the phone book that has come to your home to give you an estimate. This is a common mistake that many consumers make. Just because the professional repair person that visits your home seems like a nice guy or gal doesn't mean they are. Remember, finding someone to make repairs in your home is not a personality contest; it's a quality contest, a contest that you are the judge of. Ultimately, your payment is the prize money and you don't want to give the prize money to a repair person that is really undeserving of it! What you must do then, is have several professionals visit your home and provide you with estimates. Review the estimates and use them to make your decision.
When the professional in question is visiting your home, ask them if they are properly insured and what that insurance covers. Find out what their established rules are and ask them for a copy of their contract so that you can review it if you so choose. Also find out about their experience: what kinds of jobs have they successfully completed in the past? What are their recommendations in terms of the work you need done? Ask them for recommendations if they have them and see if they possess and photographs of previous work they have done. Finally, don't be afraid to ask if you can call one of their previous clients for a recommendation penis enlargement pills.
Next, contact the Better Business Bureau or visit the Better Business Bureau on the web. See if any complaints have been lodged against the professionals you plan to hire. See if you can find out anything about their credentials and don't be afraid to ask questions when you are hiring a professional. If they have nothing to hide, they won't be uncomfortable answering your questions for you. Remember it is your hard earned money and your home that will be affected should the professional not be a true professional!
When you are hiring a contractor, remember that in essence, you are the employer. Just like any other job you will need to be thorough and interview the people you plan to hire. Ultimately penis enlargement review, you are in charge of your money and your home and any professional will be completely aware of that fact and not be affronted by your investigative strategies.
Do You review penis enlargement products of penis enlargement products Want to Know a Secret? Solomon's Temple Revealed
There is a journey that we all must take. It is called life. There is no escaping this journey. We cannot pay somebody to take it for us or take the pain and sorrow that frequents our path. Without our mother and father there would be no help at all from the very start. We would be helpless and we would die.
We are born with no knowledge whatsoever other than some minor genetic memories, and many of us simply follow the patterns that life, evolution and our peers throw at us. We subconsciously assume we must do as our forefathers; we must follow in their footsteps; we must marry, have children, get a job, step onto the roller-coaster of commercialism and the greed oriented rat race we know as capitalism or even communism. There is seemingly no way out of this life and anyway, most of us are enthused by the chase - for we truly know do different.
All of this is perfectly natural. We are, after all, apes with less hair. We strive to be the alpha male and female; to be top dog; to fit in with the society or �tribe� that surrounds us and support the same football team as our friends. And often that society is just a larger version of our selves; it is created by groups of selves.
But, in the times gone by, our ancestors saw through all of this and recognized that there was another way. They discovered that in-order for man to elevate himself above the level of the brown earth upon which he scrambled he needed to alter his internal dialogue. Man needed to understand himself and the forces that drive him.
This unique understanding - that there could be a higher goal for mankind, whether collectively or individually - evolved into what we now know as Gnosticism. Of course this is a massive oversimplification and we should always take into account the mystics � those who have experienced what we would call other-worldly emotions or visions. Also, regardless of popular perception, the Christian�s were not the only Gnostics and mystics. Gnostic comes from the Greek word gignoskein meaning simply to know. It was applied to �one sect of so-called philosopher�s in the first ages of Christianity.�
However, the term is now being used more loosely and I personally see the term slightly differently to others and probably in a controversial light.
To me the Greek term implies all-knowledge. This is a kind of knowledge gained much like plugging ones mind into the world wide web and being able to download every single piece of data in an instant. In the same way, the true Gnostic, much like the mystic, could understand all things in a unique way. Whether this is the mind tapping into the collective unconscious, the Akashic records, or any other name given to the process, does not matter for the purpose of this article, the fact remains, it was believed. And because of this belief, physical manifestations of the internal belief system emerged the world over. In this way, the temples of man, were exactly that � Temples of Man.
Gnosis then, means knowledge of the most esoteric kind and this is the story that has been hidden from our eyes for too long. This is the truth of the secret societies that we on the outside are supposedly too worldly to comprehend.
The Temple
So, let us now try our best to comprehend the Temple of Solomon and in doing so, let us walk upon Holy ground, trodden only by the initiated.
In the years of my own searching there were times when I would be found at the feet of the Magi, sitting and listening to the wise words of the Sufi, joining in the debate at some Freemasonic Lodge. All the time I was learning and viewing the process with an open ear and an open eye, and yet also balancing it all with the knowledge of modern day science and reductionism. Both worlds, the one of the esoteric and the one of science are useless apart � both are needed today if we are to truly understand and believe.
And so down to facts about the Temple of Solomon. Well, unfortunately we are sadly lacking in any archaeological evidence, regardless of what you read on some literal fundamentalist website. What we are told is that in the 10th century BC, the wise King Solomon erected a great Temple to the Lord. Unfortunately, if any of this is true, then we actually find that it was a Temple, which encompassed many pagan religions.
According to Professor James Pritchard in his book, Solomon and Sheba (1974, p.35):
�.. the so-called cities of Megiddo, Gezer and Hazor, and Jerusalem itself were in reality more like villages.. Within were relatively small public buildings and poorly constructed dwellings with clay floors. The objects reveal a material culture which, even by the standards of the ancient Near East, could not be judged sophisticated or luxurious.. The �magnificence� of the age of Solomon is parochial and decidedly lackluster, but the first book of Kings implies exactly the opposite.�
In fact and in the bright light of day, what we actually have, and what most writers are afraid to say, is no evidence whatsoever for Solomon�s Temple. In fact, we have no evidence for Solomon, other than these peculiar Biblical texts penile enlargement. Neither do we have any evidence for the Queen of Sheba, or any of the other characters involved. Instead, there is more depth than could ever be imagined, more meaning than we would dare to believe.
John Michell in The Temple at Jerusalem: A Revelation, (Gothic Image) gives us an insight to the real meaning.:
�Legends of the Temple describe it as the instrument of a mystical, priestly science, a form of alchemy by which oppositely charged elements in the earth and atmosphere were brought together and ritually married. The product of their union was a spirit that blessed and sanctified the people of Israel.�
How right Michell is. The Temple is an instrument of mystical and priestly science or even magic. The secret unravels before our eyes the more we learn. You see the true Gnostic, the true disciple or perfect one, must be a man or woman of balance. He or she must unite the two sides of the mind, the male and female principles as they are called. We are all both male and female and the alchemists used this concept of balance and revealed it in their images of the Hermaphrodite, half man and half woman.
Solomon, was no real man, and Sheba was no real woman. Instead they were symbols of this internal and often external process. The whole story of Solomon, Sheba and the Temple, which is the perfectly formed body, both physical and spiritual, is the story of our own psyche. It is an esoteric truth, misunderstood in its exoteric form.
Hiram was the son of a Jewish mother and a Phoenician father and is credited with the decoration of the Temple of Solomon. He was said to have been the �son of a widow of the tribe of Naphtali� He cast two bronze pillars� 1 Kings 7:13-15.
We must also note something of interest mentioned in 1 Kings 16:
�Then he made two capitals of cast bronze, to set on top of the pillars. The height of one capital was 5 cubits; and the height of the other capital was five cubits. He made a lattice network, with wreaths of chainwork, for the capitals which were on top of the pillars: seven chains for one capital and seven for the other capital.�
These pillars became known as Jachin, meaning �he establishes� and Boaz, which means �in him is strength� and these are now familiar to most modern Freemasons as central to their own Lodge or Temple. Copies of these can be clearly seen at the infamous Rosslyn Chapel as we shall discover.
But, what is interesting here is the original text about these pillars. Firstly bronze is used for the capitals, just as bronze is used for the �Brazen Serpent� of Moses and is indicative of the fiery aspect of the serpent as one of the channels in the Kundalini process. Their �heights� were 5 cubits, matching the five hooded cobras seen across India and atop many pillars, although the Bible calls them Lilies, which are symbols of balance anyway.
Leading up to these capitals then were �wreaths� of �chainwork�, seven on each pillar. Strangely these chains were �for the capitals,� and so we conclude that these seven levelled chains (coils) were pointing towards the head (capital) just as the serpents of the Kundalini do.
There are more real links between Hiram and the serpent. For instance, we noted above that he was of the Tribe of Naphtali. The standard of the Tribe of Naphtali, according to Jewish tradition, is a serpent or basilisk and this could have come from Egyptian origins, as Jewish tradition states that Naphtali was the brother of Joseph, chosen to represent the family to Pharaoh.
�And now I have sent a skillful man, endowed with understanding, Huram [Hiram] my master [father] craftsman, (the son of a woman of the daughters of Dan, and his father was a man of Tyre), skilled to work in gold and silver, bronze and iron, stone and wood, purple and blue, fine linen and crimson, and to make any engraving and to accomplish any plan which may be given to him, with your skilful men and with the skilful men of my lord David your father.� 2 Chronicles 2:13-14.
Here, Hiram is said to be a son of the Tribe of Dan and even the tribe of Dan had an emblem, which was amazingly also the serpent, this time with a horse.
Incredibly there is also a hidden truth and repetitive pattern in this little statement about the real skills of this literary character. Follow this pattern:
Hiram is skilled in:-
1 gold and silver,
2 bronze and iron,
3 stone and wood,
4 purple and blue,
5 fine linen and crimson,
6 and to make any engraving
7 and to accomplish any plan which may be given to him.
Note that there are seven �balanced� elements to the skill of the man who will build the Temple! This is a real clue to the Temple�s secret indeed.
According to this book of Chronicles Hiram was a cunning man (a word used for the serpent) endued with understanding, skilful as we can see in the work of gold, silver, brass, stone and timber. But he was also credited with certain tools, which could pierce stone. Stone, as I show in Gnosis is symbolic of wisdom and foundation. Hiram�s tool therefore pierced the veil or even the very root of wisdom.
According to the book of Kings the Temple was built of stone (or wisdom) before it was brought to the site. Something like a prefabricated building. It was said by tradition that neither hammer nor axe, nor any tool of iron was used in the building. So how was it built? This in itself is a paradox, which can only be answered by the true secret of the Temple being revealed.
According to Rabbinical teaching the prefabrication of the Temple was performed by the Shamir, a giant worm or serpent that could cut stones (incidentally worm means serpent). Not dissimilar to Norse and Celtic beliefs where Valhalla and Camelot were built with the fire of the dragon and in China where building is aided by the serpent energy.
This is a universal concept as can be seen in India, where it was the serpentine linked Naga�s of fable who escaped their country and took the architectural wisdom abroad. The architect gods, such as Thoth of Egypt, are linked strongly with the serpent wisdom because they are linked with the building of �Temples of Wisdom� inside our SELVES.
The Shamir, according to one legend had even been placed in the hands of the Prince of the Sea (Shamir by Wilhelm Bacher & Ludwig Blau), which of course is symbolic of the Prince of Wisdom.
In essence what we really have here is the Temple of Wisdom being built by the serpent and that serpent is none other than that of, or similar to, the internal Kundalini, later to be developed into the Kabbalah. This is a psychological training manual; a method of self-improvement; a way for society to become One; a multi-layered method of getting closer to the deity which resides in each and everyone of us; a deity, that the ancients saw as being the same in each of us.
The whole process repeats again and again throughout the Bible. The Temple is reduced (like the alchemical method) and is remade. Then again and again, until finally the Christ is the Temple which is reduced (killed) and then rises again for the last time. And now, according to the texts, we can all meet with this Christ and we can all have the knowledge. We just need to understand that the true Christ is all and in all. But this hasn't worked has it. Man is still even now in the 21st century top enlargement products, searching for answers and so the temple is being reduced once again��
I say, we should all take a look at our own "temples" and knock them to the ground. We should then go about re-building them in a bigger and better way than before, just like the Bible states. And more than that, we must keep on doing this until this world of ours has peace and all truly are equal before God.
Germany Behind penis enlargement penis enlargement pill the Mask: Monster or Marshmallow?
For over 50 years, Herbert W. Armstrong warned that a German-led European combine would thresh the nations. When Germany lay in ashes after WWII, Mr. Armstrong had no doubt Germany would be back with a vengeance and he pounded this theme home through the pages of The Plain Truth magazine read by millions worldwide.
Are We Wrong About Europe? by Ryan Malone of The Philadelphia Trumpet magazine, reveals how they continue in Armstrong's tradition.
Konrad Adenauer said the West was "taking a calculated risk" when they started rebuilding Germany after the Holocaust. Before that President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill agreed: "It is our inflexible purpose to destroy German militarism and Nazism and to ensure Germany will never again be able to disturb the peace of the world."
Nevertheless, Helmut Schmidt reported Germany was again putting on "imperial airs," and author Bernard Conally wrote that France was struggling to "hold the old demons of Germany's character in check." Margaret Thatcher warned her deaf audience that "Germany is very powerful now - her national character is to dominate." Are they all just crying wolf? Or is the German beast about to devour again?
Robert Locke is opposed to the increasingly fascist Europe (but doesn't believe Germany dominates it) stated: "I can't agree with you about Germany. It is a castrated PC marshmallow of a country, not a lion preparing to rule the world."
Consider Luigi Barzini's reference to �The mutable Germans� in The Europeans where he questions: �Which is the shape of the German Proteus this morning? Which will be its shape tomorrow? Johannes Gross thinks his countrymen wear a mask. 'But the day may come when someone lifts the mask,� he wrote. �The face that appears may be less full-cheeked and rosy than today's... So long as we wear the mask, we remain hidden and continue to conceal the situation from ourselves.'�
Ron Fraser penis enlargement review (Is a World Dictator About to Appear?) exposes: �Although Germany is the prime mover in all these [European unification] efforts, in order to dispel any idea that the country may have expansionist intentions, these initiatives have generally been made under the cloak of being for the common good of the European Union.�
This sentiment penis enlargement pills concurs with Bismarck, who wrote in his diary (Nov. 1876): �I have always heard politicians use the word �Europe� when they were making requests to other powers which they did not dare formulate in the name of their own country.�
What is Germany hiding? Nuclear weapons? Who would be so foolish to imagine Germany without their own nuclear weapons when they were ahead of us in developing them? Certainly the grand design Franz Josef Strauss had in mind (with much at his disposal as Federal Minister of Nuclear Energy, and later Defense Minister) demanded independence from the United States. And Germany's Dolphin submarines delivered to Israel, equipped to handle nuclear weapons, underscore German military capabilities, yet the United States continues to blindly promote their control of the European continent, oblivious to The Dangers in US-German European Policy.
How many German plants in America are serving the interests of Germany's budding Fourth Reich? It's not only German factories and German businesses in America proving �that basic thoroughness of the orderly German� (Johannes Gross), since the secret Nazis had predetermined such a strategy, but bought and paid for American prostitutes in diverse and perverse positions of power aid and abet them! They expose our country to danger and will leave us infected as a nuclear wasteland!
What is Germany hiding behind the mask? Even if skeptics dismiss the mystic relationship between Germany and the Vatican (both forging Europe into their image believing �the German spirit will heal the world� -Emanuel Geibel), and doubt the Bavarian pope is soon going to promote a particular strong man and platform to save Europe and the world from the threat of Islam, shouldn't those responsible for our national security seriously consider the scenario of a United States of Europe betraying us? Shouldn't the intelligence experts consider that possibility and prepare for it? Why suffer the element of surprise that Germany is infamous for? �The German is acquainted with the hidden paths to chaos...� (Nietzche).
�...it is once again important to keep an eye on the German Proteus in an attempt to fathom the probable shape of things to come. What form will he assume next? After all, Germany is still le coeur de l'Europe� (Barzini). Is the German marshmallow about to mutate into the German monster? Will the EU mask come off and expose the beast? Will the heart be healthy for Europe or dark and dangerous?
The Best top enlargement products Detroit Piston penile enlargement Team Ever
Which is the best Detroit Piston team sizegenetics penis enlargement device of all time? I have pondered this question deeply and have engaged in many a bar stool debate. As a lifelong sports fan and hoops junkie, I find asking which the best team is in the history of a storied franchise like the Detroit Pistons is big part of what makes sports fun. For the purposes of this particular debate, there are really only two options by anyone�s standards: the championship Detroit Piston teams of the mid to late 80�s and the more recent teams of 2004 and 2005 who went to two finals series and won a championship.
The arguments for the Detroit Piston teams of the late 80�s are certainly easy to make. Those �Bad Boys� teams were trend setters. The 80�s were a time of high scoring offenses and soft defenses. Scores routinely made it into triple digits as teams like the Lakers, Celtics, Rockets, and Sixers ruled the league. Then the Detroit Pistons came along with their tough, hard nosed, no easy baskets style of defense. They gave way to teams like the Bulls and Knicks who adopted similar defensive philosophies. Setting such a trend in a league like the NBA is certainly cause for consideration of greatness.
The Bad Boys Piston teams also had names and recognizable talent that the later championship teams would lack. Names like Isaiah Thomas, Joe Dumars, and Bill Laimbeer are still known throughout the league. They are the greats of Detroit Piston basketball and to some degree of the NBA. Not only were these names recognizable and historic in league and team history, but also they were names of winners. Obviously the more recent teams are winners, but they have yet to combine the historical names, the winning, and the stamp on history that comes along with setting a trend.
There is, however, an argument to be made for the Detroit Piston teams of the early 2000�s. Those teams have represented that city of Detroit with their blue collar methods. The collection of cast-offs from around the NBA shows that a true team can be the personification of the idea that the whole can be more than the sum of its parts. You could also make the argument that when it is all said and done, the names Billups, Wallace, Wallace, and Prince will be just as well known as those of the Bad Boys. With one championship ring, another appearance in the finals, and a quick start to the 2005-2006 season, the modern Detroit Piston team may even end up with more championships to their credit. And in the end, isn�t it all about rings when it comes to the legacy of any great team?
When it comes to great basketball franchises, the Detroit Pistons may not be the first name to roll of the tongue, but they certainly will come in at some point. With at least two great runs in the history of the franchise, the argument over who is the best Detroit Piston team is one that may end in a draw. However, it is those great debates that will help both Detroit Piston teams penis enlargement with vigrx plus to maintain their place in the mindset of Piston fans as well as basketball fans for years to come.
It's a Hawaiian penis enlargement review penis enlargement pills Luau Baby
The review of penis enlargement products summer is a perfect time to host a Luau. Regardless of your state of residence, you can have a Luau in your backyard. Hawaiian decorations will add to the ambience and make everyone penis enlargement products think they are in a tropical place. A Luau is a perfect theme for a retirement, anniversary or birthday party because all ages enjoy them.
A Luau needs some palm trees. Inflatable trees or supplies to make some are found at any party supply store. They can be placed around the backyard or inside the house in strategic locations. If the party will head into the evening and night hours, hang strand of mini white lights. The twinkling lights provide enough light to see and appear as more stars in the sky.
Other decorations can include colorful flowers, streamers, balloons and pineapples. If you have a pool, place floating candles or live flowers inside to float. It provides a touch of elegance to the d�cor. A party supply store will have all of the paper products needed to serve food.
Luaus are known for having great food. If cooking for a large group appears to be a daunting task, ask everyone to bring a dish to pass. Make sure they know the theme and see what they can create to contribute to it. Hire someone to professionally roast a pig and use that as your main course. Take a picture of the pig with an apple in its mouth to use in your scrapbook.
Games to play during a Luau include doing the limbo. The traditional game involves two people holding a pole while others dance under while the pole keeps getting closer to the ground. Other outdoor games can include horseshoes and volleyball. If you have an outgoing crowd, a hula contest may also be a fun idea.
Championship penile enlargement Betting top enlargement products Review
Runaway leaders Reading suffered their first League defeat in 33 games at the hands of Luton on Friday night. The in-form Kevin Doyle put the 9/10 Royals ahead but were stunned with two goals from Rowan Vine and one from Dean Morgan. Doyle pulled one back for Reading in stoppage time but Luton had done enough to earn an unlikely win at odds of 14/5.
Sheffield United took advantage and cut Reading�s lead to nine points with a derby victory away at city rivals Wednesday. Michael Tonge and Ade Akinbiyi netted for the Blades before half-time before the Owls hit back 10 minutes from time with a Steve MacLean penalty. The 5/4 win for Neil Warnock�s side was United�s first double over Wednesday for 14 years.
Watford climbed above Leeds to claim third place in the table after beating second-from-bottom Brighton at the Withdean Stadium. The Hornets withstood early pressure from the home side but secured a narrow 1-0 victory at 11/10 thanks to a Chris Eagles goal on the stroke of half-time.
Leeds were held to a draw at Leicester, despite the home side playing 79 minutes with just 10 men. Iain Hume put the Foxes in front after five minutes before Patrick McCarthy was sent off for a foul on Rob Hulse, which led to Robbie Blake equalising from the resulting penalty.
With Preston North End not playing, Cardiff made up ground and are sizegenetics penis enlargement device now just three points away from a play-off place. The 4/5 Bluebirds beat penis enlargement with vigrx plus Hull 1-0 thanks to Cameron Jerome�s goal after 22 minutes.
Wolves also remain in the play-off hunt after a narrow 1-0 win against Ipswich. Castro Sito felled Jeremie Aliadiere in the box 16 minutes from time and Kenny Miller dispatched the penalty for 11/10 Wolves.
Millwall striker Ben May struck an 89th minute equaliser to earn his side a crucial point against Crystal Palace. Ben Watson looked set to give the Eagles a routine win at 11/10 with his goal after 67 minutes only for May to snatch the relegation strugglers a point at the death.
Keeping penis penis enlargement pill enlargement Cool in Arizona
If you plan to move to Arizona, there are a couple of items you need to know first. If you have yet to buy a home in Arizona, then be penis enlargement pills sure to look for the following things: central air conditioner and swimming pool. DO NOT SETTLE FOR A SWAMP COOLER. Buying Arizona Real Estate requires a survival mindset.
If you have bought a home in Arizona that is in either of the largely populated valleys, you must not assume that because people live there it can't be that bad. It is that bad without the proper equipment. If you are moving to Arizona from a dissimilar climate, you must prepare to pay extra for you cooling. It is absolutely not survivable for a person from a cooler climate without central cooling and lots of it. Swamp coolers may do in some environments, but in Arizona they will just add a layer of humidity on top of the unbearably hot temperature. This is like two-ply toilet paper, there are some things you just don't even cut corners on.
The swimming pool is essential as well. In cooler climates like Colorado Springs, Salt Lake City, or even San Diego, a pool is an extra, a luxury, a want. In Arizona, it is a requirement. On some days during the Arizona summers, it gets so hot that you feel incapable of cooling down with Air Conditioning, a freezing cold drink of water, or even a cold shower (cold showers really don't exist in Arizona's summers). The only way you are getting cool is by jumping in a swimming pool. Sound silly to people who never lived in Arizona before, but those who have, are nodding and saying "of course, why did he write an article on penis enlargement review this?"
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