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The New Haute penis enlargement penis enlargement pill Couture Luxury Condos
One can't venture too far into downtown Tampa (where our business is based) penis enlargement review and not take notice of the numerous luxury condo offerings. Whether it is the uber luxe Plaza being developed on Harbour Island, The ubiquitous Trump Towers in downtown or the Five-Star architectural feast of the Bellamy fronting the beautiful winding Bayshore Drive with its million dollar views they all have one thing in common � unsurpassed luxury and style. Characteristics only seen and delightfully experienced in the finest international hotels can now be found at home. With 24 hour concierge service, valet parking, yoga and fitness centers, wine cellars and activity/business conference rooms that rival those seen at the Breakers in Palm Beach. Viking, Sub-Zero and Wolf appliances, marble floors, hand-milled tiles, and exotic woods are all standard fare. However that is only where the luxury starts. You can now expect the finest in haute couture as part of the luxury condominium offering.
The trend to add designer cachet to luxury condominiums has been steadily increasing. Many condominium developers have sought out world renowned designers such as Jean Nouvel or Philippe Starck to design the interiors. Of course even if a designer isn�t explicitly part of the design as in the case of Armani � his name is still invoked and associated with the interior design simply by using items from his collections.
For fashionistas Peter Som is known for his exquisite fashion collections. Now an penis enlargement pills entirely different demographics group is learning about Som as he has emerged as the wunderkind of the Fashion Designer / Interior Designer class. His breathtaking haute couture has successfully crossed-over from the world of textiles to the world of architectural materials. Most famous is his amazing interpretation of a black and white lace dress from his Spring 2006 collection into a carved metal staircase in the lobby of 485 Fifth Avenue a high-end property in New York. We can expect far more designers to add interior designer/architect to their resumes and not only will Fashionistas and others be able to say "I wear Som or Dior" but "I live in a Som or Dior".
Expect to see the haute couture for the home trend to continue to grow as more upscale homeowners demand added luxury touches in their homes. Also as in all fashion trends you can expect to see a less expensive pret-a-porter version of home haute couture as the trend toward luxury items grows to encompass more than just high-end property owners.
The Beginner's Mail penile top enlargement products enlargement Order Business Guide
No claim is made that the steps outlined would be successful for someone else. Each individual should obtain whatever professional advice may be
necessary for his particular operation.
The following is designed to provide a check list for new entrants into the mail order field. Each mail order business is different, but there are common elements that apply to most mail order businesses, as well as some specific characteristics that may vary from business to business. The following suggestions were developed to assist you in avoiding costly mistakes. Apply the various points as they relate to your specific business.
* Select a short, easily remembered name.
* Unless you are using your own name, it is required in most jurisdictions that a trade name is either registered with the county or the state.
* Before you spend money for printing material, make sure that the name you choose is not already registered to another company. You can usually conduct a name search with an office of the appropriate jurisdiction by telephone.
* You may consider using a name that describes your product.
* Most newly established mail order businesses will operate out of their home until the volume of the business requires larger space.
* Most mail order businesses prefer not to use their home address as their company address. If you do, you will advertise your home address in regional and national publications. You have two other choices, a Post Office Box(POB) or a postal box located in a commercial enterprise which rents out mail boxes.
* A POB is generally the least expensive, both to rent and for advertising purposes. (See below) Some mail order operators claim that it reduces business because people do not trust a POB address. Yet there are just as many mail order operators who disprove this notion. The decision is yours.
* If you rent a mail box in a commercial enterprise, your box number usually becomes a suite number in the address.
* Almost all publications will charge you a full word charge for each component of your address, except the Zip Code and State which is counted as one word, Example:
Information Books, 300 Main Street, Suite 611, Centerville,
Md 20910 Or:
Information Books, Box 1000, Centerville, Md 20910.
* The first address is counted as 9 words, the second one as 6 words. Since advertising costs anywhere from 50 cents to $10.00 per word (classified advertising) you could save a substantial amount of money at the end of the year if you use a post office box.
* Some mail order companies do not show their phone numbers on their stationery, others do. It gives the customer some comfort to see a telephone number, although he may never use it.
* You can show your residence phone number in the appropriate printed material, or you can obtain a business listing for your home.
* The residence phone is fine, for starters, if it is answered in a professional manner at all times.
* If you plan to sell higher priced ticket items, however,
(over $15.00) a business listing would be advantageous since a prospective customer may pick up the phone and check with the information operator whether "Company X" is listed.
* Be conservative and frugal in your acquisition of items that you feel are needed. It's always wise to start small, and as inexpensively as possible, and as you build profits, you can
buy more and better items.
* The basics are a good quality computer, Business stationery, business envelopes (#10's), and return envelopes, either #6 or #9 is fine. All items should have your business name and address
imprinted on them.
* You will also need some mailing labels and some miscellaneous office supplies.
* If possible, choose a product or products that people need
on an ongoing basis.
* Be sure the product is of acceptable quality. Know the
product before you sell it.
* If feasible, choose an item that is not widely available
from retailers.
* Develop a line of merchandise. It is rarely possible to make money with just one or two items. The availability of a line of related products is paramount to mail order success.
* The more specialized your products are, the easier your marketing becomes.
* If you are selling books, for example, it would be impossible, except for a very large company, to sell all types of books. You may decide to specialize in books pertaining to sports, and may want to go even further by zeroing in on football or baseball.
* Your suppliers should provide you with reliable, quality,
and reasonable pricing.
* Since you probably should provide some type of a money back
guarantee (30 days is standard) you should expect the same guarantee from your suppliers.
* When buying from out of town suppliers, be sure to include the shipping charge in comparing prices to local suppliers.
* Under a drop-ship agreement which is available from many suppliers for a variety of products, the supplier ships your customers' orders directly under your shipping label.
(Suggested reading: "American-Drop-Shippers Directory".)
* It is customary that the supplier guarantees not to include any of his promotional materials with the shipment; or to use your customer's name for any future mailings.
* Drop-shipping arrangements are suitable for people just getting started. It allows you not to have to carry a costly inventory.
* As your business increases and you develop a sense of what sells well, you can stock limited supplies of certain fast selling items, and continue utilizing drop-shipments for slower products. Eventually, as your business flourishes, you can carry an inventory of everything you sell.
* Handling your own shipments is advantageous for the following reasons: It cuts down on your shipping expenses, it decreases the shipping time, and it allows you to include promotional material directly with the shipment.
* When you do utilize drop-shipments, be sure to send your customer a note that his order is being processed and he can expect it by, or around a certain date.
* It is unnecessary to make your customer aware of the fact that the item is being drop-shipped. Include some promotional material with your letter or note.
* Buy at a price that allows you an adequate mark-up. In setting your prices, allow for all costs:
* Cost of product, shipping cost and postage, bank charges including credit card charges, wrapping, bad debts, rejects, refunds, etc. In addition, the other normal overhead costs need to be considered,. Lastly, there is the substantial marketing cost for advertising, and for printing of
promotional items. (See following paragraphs)
* Your prices of course, have to be fair and in line with your competition.
* It is not necessary that you make a big profit on each and every item. the real profit in mail order comes from follow-up orders.
ADVERTISING, PRINTING COST, AND POSTAGE. Over 80% of your total expenses are in this area. Watch these expenses very carefully.
* Start with classified ads. As you test them and know what
is successful, you can switch to display ads.
* To test an offering and a specific ad, run it once in a specific publication and you should get a reading that could be very positive or very negative. It might also be inconclusive. If that is the case, simply run it again.
* It is best to test an ad by running it in different publications.
* Advertise in publications that advertise similar products.
* If you have a sure seller, buy larger space.
* Special interest products should be advertised in special interest publications.
* Keep on changing the ad and offering until you are satisfied
it is right.
* Examples of changes you can make are: size of ad, copy,appeal, special gimmicks such as discounts, free gifts or reports, etc.
* Remember that a given ad can be 20 or 30 times more successful than another ad advertising the same product. It pays, therefore, to continue testing until it is just right.
* Repeat a successful ad until you no longer get a satisfactory return.
* The conventional advertising cost is 15% of sales or more in
mail order.
* To evaluate your advertising cost, think in terms of cost per inquiry. This is calculated by dividing the number of inquiries into the cost of the ad. that cost may vary from about $$0.80 to $2.00 or more.
* Be careful when you allocate advertising funds to small mail order publications. The ad may appear to be very inexpensive. However, a $15.00 ad that gets no response is a lot more expensive than a $150.00 ad that gets over 100 inquiries.
* Stay away from those publications that have no news or editorial content, and also those that have poor printing quality.
* There are a number of quality mail order publications, but it takes time to find the right publication for your product.
* Write tight copy.
* Write as you speak. You are generally appealing to a mass market.
* Prepare your copy carefully. It must fit your specific medium.
* The emphasis should be on YOU rather than I, the company.
* Be sincere and don't make unreasonable claims, but remember that you are selling.
* Try to convince the reader that you are reliable and
* Give simple specific instruction.
* Key all ads to test their effectiveness.
* Check and double check, and have someone else check your ad to make sure everything is correct and easy to understand.
* Watch where your competitors are advertising.
* Experiment with new publications.
* It is generally considered impossible to sell something that costs more than $2.00 - $3.00 direct from either a classified ad or a small display ad. This is because there just is not enough space to convince someone to part with $10.00 or $20.00, for example. It takes a full page ad to do that.
* If you use an agency, use one that specializes in mail order, even if it is located out of town.
* Each inquiry you receive in response to an ad should be answered via First Class, if at all possible, within 24 hours.
* The contents of the envelope going to the prospective customer should contain: a circular, promotional flier, or mini-brochure, a sales letter, an order form (the order form can be part of the circular), a return envelope, and other appropriate information, such as a fact sheet, a free report, etc.
* In general, circulars should be limited to one 8 1/2 x 11 page.
* A sales letter, on the other hand, can be as long as it takes to say everything you need to say to a prospective customer in order to sell him the product.
* Sales letters should have an attention getting opening. The idea of the opening is to get him to read the rest of the letter.
* Answer inquiries to your advertising immediately and via First Class Mail. Use Bulk Mail for sizegenetics penis enlargement device future mailings.
* You can penis enlargement with vigrx plus save a great deal of money by getting a Bulk Mail permit. Mail must be sorted by zip code. Get more specific information from your Post
* Keep your mailing lists clean - updated.
* Utilize all of the various mail classes, such as Printed Mail and Book rate.
* Compare costs of shippers other than the Post Office.
* Guarantee return postage.
* Watch your shipping weight. A fraction of an ounce can make a big difference in a large mailing.
* Very large printers will not be interested in your business. Very small ones, quick printers and instant printers although convenient, are generally too expensive. Their equipment is not large enough to be competitive.
* There are many medium sized printers that will give you good pricing and quality printing. Often they have the capability to help you with layout and design.
* Don't hesitate to use out of town printers. If you live in a high cost-of -living area, you can probably save a substantial amount of money. Many of these printers advertise in mail order publications.
* Utilize the promotional material available from your supplier.
* Until you know what sells, print small quantities, even if it is more expensive.
* Use colored paper for your promotional flyers to spice up your offer. Use white paper, blue or black ink for everything else.
* Accept money orders and checks.
* Some mail order companies state in their material that they will not ship for 10 days to 2 weeks when payment is made with an out of town check. This may be an unwise practice because, it can create ill feelings with your customers. NSF checks are rare.
* An increasing number of mail order companies accept credit cards - Visa and MasterCard - for payment. It is generally felt that it does increase sales.
* If you cannot obtain a credit card merchant agreement with your bank work through a credit card clearing house. A number of these companies advertise in mail order publications. Since these companies generally charge between 6-9%, it may be wise to set a minimum amount such as $15.00 for credit card orders.
* Remember, "the customer" is always right. An argument won,is usually a customer lost.
* If you receive an order with an underpayment, ship the order and bill the customer for the difference.
* Make refunds on overpayments quickly.
* Most mail order companies offer a 30 day money back guarantee. Some offer 90 days and even more.
* It is unwise to offer money back guarantees on items priced very inexpensively, for example, a $3.00 report.
* As in any business, it is important to keep records.
* You need records to tell you what is going on in your business; to evaluate both your revenues and your expenses.
* It is also required by law that you keep certain records.
* Keep especially good records of your advertising expenses so you can evaluate your advertising on an ongoing basis.
* It is recommended that you do no direct mailings, except to your own list of customers and inquirers, until you have
thoroughly tested a specific product through advertising.
* Stay away from inexpensive mailing lists, under $40.00 -$50.00 per 1000.
* Avoid mailing lists whose owners make unrealistic claims.
* Work with a list broker who wants to see your product before he will rent you a list. Lists are rented for one time use.
* Lists from professional list brokers rent from $60.00 and
up, per thousand names.
* The general consensus is that you need to mail a minimum of 1000 names to get a fair reading. 5000 names would give you a more accurate test.
* Buyer' names are better than names of inquiries.
* The best mailing list is your own list of buyers. Second best is your own list of inquirers.
* The most important factor in mail order is FOLLOW-UP
Substantial profits can be generated from this segment, if it is properly handled.
* You can generate a lot of sales by including promotional material when filling orders for customers. Other orders are generated from mailings that are made to former customers, as well as individuals who inquired about an offer in the past.
* Send out regular mailings to your customers. At a minimum,
four times per year. However, you can send out mailings as often as every 6 weeks or so, if you have a new product to offer.
* As you build your mailing lists and you send out regular
mailings, your orders will start flowing in.
* Whether you are new to this field or not, to stay on top, you must continue your education by reading books and reports on mail order and subscribing to mail order publications.
* Always be on the lookout for new products you can offer your customers.
* Study the advertising of your competitors. Request their
material and study it.
* Study all mailings you receive.
Continue to learn about mail order by reading, experimenting, and talking with other mail order operators. Have patience. Success will not come overnight. It takes time to build a successful business. Start slowly and expand your business from your profits.
Good Luck!
Electronics sizegenetics penis enlargement device: Newer penis enlargement with vigrx plus, Faster, Better
When it comes to electronics, newer, faster, and better models of everything from computer processors to cellular phones appear at least every six months. The evolution of technology means manufacturers are incorporating more features and more power into virtually every type of consumer electronics. When you're in the market for consumer electronics - whether for yourself or as penis enlargement a gift idea for someone else - the question becomes, do you need to buy the latest and greatest?
As an example, let's take a look at digital cameras. Virtually everyone is making the switch - if they haven't already - from film to digital. Seven mega-pixel digital cameras are everywhere, and single lens reflex digital cameras are poised to dramatically drop in price within the next twelve months. With the dozens, if not hundreds, of models from which to choose, does it make sense to buy a top of the line digital camera?
Not necessarily. The type of digital camera you need depends on how you're planning to use it. If you primarily use a camera on vacations or while traveling, the most important feature might be the weight of the camera. The ultra-thin, lightweight digital cameras now on the market may not have all of the features of their heavier counterparts, but they're perfect to stick in your shirt pocket and pull out at a moment's notice.
If you take most of your pictures outdoors, an LCD screen with backlighting - and a viewfinder - might be the most important feature for your needs. There's nothing more frustrating than not being able to see what you're shooting. On the other hand, if you primarily use your camera indoors, a red-eye reduction feature is a must-have. If you want to use your camera at your child's soccer games, a digital camera that allows you to take short movies might be perfect for you.
You also need to consider how you'll be using the camera when it comes to selecting the appropriate picture resolution. Most people don't really need a seven mega-pixel camera; and you definitely don't need one if all you're going to do with the pictures is view them on your computer penis enlargement pill monitor or post them online.
Unlike jewelry, where more is almost always better, consumer electronics don't need to have every single feature in order to be useful. Let's face it: most of us only use a fraction of the power and features in our computers and software. So, when we're buying consumer electronics, it's important to think through which features we'll use and which are extras that add to the price but not the value.
I'd Like penile enlargement top enlargement products $50 on the Predators!
Rick It was learned on Wednesday that former Flyers star and current Phoenix Coyotes assistant coach Rick Tocchet could be in some hot water with both the NHL and the New penis enlargement with vigrx plus Jersey State Police, after authorities busted a sports gambling ring he helped finance. According to authorities, �Operation Slap Shot� (real creative title there guys, I guess �Operation Icing� and �Operation Crosscheck� were both already taken) uncovered a sports betting system that processed more than 1,000 wagers with a total of about $1.7 million on professional and collegiate sporting events during a 40-day period. Tocchet has been identified as a partner and financier of the ring (along with a New Jersey state trooper), and State Police also say that "Police Academy 5" star and wife of Wayne Gretzky, Janet Jones, placed bets for players on the Coyotes.
No one involved has been accused of betting on hockey games, by the way. All bets were made on sports other than the NHL. So, we�re not talking about NHL players placing bets on their own games, like Pete Rose did. Still, this could be a major scandal for the NHL. Perhaps even more shocking to me was the fact that I had no idea that Rick Tocchet was still in the NHL! Did you know he was a coach on the Coyotes? And did you know that he and Wayne Gretzky, the Coyotes head coach, were BFFs? It got me to thinking� with Tocchet turning to the gambling industry following his playing career (with a little coaching mixed in), what jobs do you think some ex-Flyers may be pursuing now that their playing career is finished, and what jobs do you think some current Flyers may pursue when they hang up the skates?
(Cue the dream sequence sound effects and graphics�)
Mike Bullard � Dentist (if anyone knows about dental work, it would be �ol �Gappy�)
Tim Kerr � Hunchback (years of back problems)
Dominic Roussel � Motivational Speaker (centering around teamwork)
Ron Hextall � Anger Management Coach (because he always kept a cool head)
Brian Propp � Anything but a radio color analyst (damn, too late)
Peter Zezel � Teen Magazine Editor (hell, he appeared in enough of those things anyway)
Eric Lindros � Mafia Hit Man (fuhgeddaboutit)
Billy Tibbets � Unemployed (it�s hard for a rapist to find a good job nowadays)
Kjell Samuelson � Lumberjack (obviously)
Keith Primeau � Let�s just have Keith be able to run on a treadmill for 10 minutes without falling over before we give the guy a job
Chris Gratton � Not sure exactly, but I do know that he�d get a promotion then crumble under the pressure of higher expectations
Chris Therien � First things first. Let�s just get the guy to retire first and then we can figure out a job for him. RETIRE CHRIS!
Garth Snow � Sofa Maker (hey, the guy likes padding)
Donald Brashear � Professional Swimmer (just like the NHL, he�d be the only black guy out there)
Those are just a few. And hey, let�s make this interactive. Make sure to click on the forums link, reply to this column and add a couple of your own! You can use any current or former Flyer. Maybe they�ll check in sometime if they�re low on ideas or worried about what they�re going to do when they decide to retire. In the end, they�ll thank us.
In the meantime, Tocchet is expected to be arraigned within the next 7-10 days and will most likely be suspended by the NHL for his role in the gambling ring. And Rick, if you do end up having to do a little time sizegenetics penis enlargement device in the pokey, tell Billy Tibbets we all said hello.
It's a top enlargement products Hawaiian Luau penile enlargement Baby
The summer is a perfect time to host a Luau. Regardless of your state of residence, you can have a Luau in your backyard. Hawaiian decorations will add to the ambience and make everyone think they are in a tropical place. sizegenetics penis enlargement device A Luau is a perfect theme for a retirement, anniversary or birthday party because all ages enjoy them.
A Luau needs some palm trees. Inflatable trees or supplies to make some are found at any party supply store. They can be placed around the backyard or inside the house in strategic locations. If the party will head into the evening and night hours, hang strand of mini white lights. The twinkling lights provide enough light to see and appear as more stars in the sky.
Other decorations can include colorful flowers, streamers, balloons and pineapples. If you have a pool, place floating candles or live flowers inside to float. It provides a touch of elegance to the d�cor. A party supply store will have all of the paper products needed to serve food.
Luaus are known for having great food. If cooking for a large group appears to be a daunting task, ask everyone to bring a dish to pass. Make sure they know the theme and see what they can create to contribute to it. Hire someone to professionally roast a penis enlargement with vigrx plus pig and use that as your main course. Take a picture of the pig with an apple in its mouth to use in your scrapbook.
Games to play during a Luau include doing the limbo. The traditional game involves two people holding a pole while others dance under while the pole keeps getting closer to the ground. Other outdoor games can include horseshoes and volleyball. If you have an outgoing crowd, a hula contest may also be a fun idea.
Injuries review of penis enlargement products penis enlargement products & Defense
Before we look ahead to this weekend's NFL conference championship games, let's take a look backward. What was all the talk in the NFL over the last month? Should the Colts sit their starters to have them rested for the playoffs or not? There were many people that split on the answer, but I think we'd all agree what the correct answer is: Play 'em! Or at least, rest any injured players, but don't bench the majority of starters the last two weeks of the regular season, even if everything is sewed up.
That was the position the Colts found themselves in after that 13-0 start. They had clinched everything: The division title, the bye week, home field for the postseason, the No. 1 spot. However, anyone who watched Sunday's loss to the Steelers saw an Indy team that was rusty for most of the game. Very rusty.
The Colts were out of sync most of the way in their 21-18 loss to the Steelers. Overall, having a bye week gives a team enough time, two weeks, to rest and prepare. It takes time and practice to get a team in sync because there are so many players that need to work together in unison: Blocking patterns, running backs hitting the proper holes, lineman pulling, receivers running patterns, quarterbacks getting the football to them on timing routes, etc.
Think back to the final regular season game for the Denver Broncos. Denver was a 12-point dog at San Diego in a meaningless game for the Broncos. They had everything sewed up and needed only to stay healthy. Instead, Mike Shanahan had several starters play significant first half minutes. They also played inspired football, dominating the Chargers in an impressive performance. I think back to the regular season finale a year ago when the Patriots hosted the terrible 49ers at home in a meaningless game, yet Bill Belichick played the starters for three quarters. The reason was a little different, as the Patriots played a sluggish first half, tied 3-3, as a big favorite. Belichick didn't like the performance and sent the starters back out for the second half, injuries be damned! They followed the next few weeks with dominating performances on the way to winning another Super Bowl title.
With the four remaining teams, does anything stand out? Yes, defense! Carolina and Pittsburgh are ranked No penile enlargement. 3 and 4 in the NFL in total defense, with the Broncos and Seahawks at No. 15 and 16. More important is run defense, and notice that all the remaining teams are in the Top 5 in the NFL at stopping the run! It goes Denver (2nd), Pittsburgh (3rd), top enlargement products Carolina (4th) and Seattle (5th). One of those will win the Super Bowl, so again, stuffing the run is a huge key to building a championship defense.
That hasn't translated into a significant amount of unders for those teams, but keep in mind that 6 of the 8 playoff games thus far have gone under the total. Yes, it should come as no shock that defense wins championships in all sports, once again!
Tips on Making Beautiful penis penis enlargement pill enlargement Floral Arrangements
Do you have your own flower garden and would like to make some use of it? Are you penis enlargement review fond of crafts and do it your self decorative projects? Would you like to make some homemade floral arrangements to further accent your home or to give away as gifts? If this sounds like you, then please read on for some tips on making beautiful floral arrangements.
To start your floral arrangements, you will first need something to put your flowers in. Get a vase or some other container that is decorative and also holds water. Before you start your floral arrangements, you may want to consider further decorating the vase or container by spraying it with gold or penis enlargement pills bronze spray paint. Let it dry for 24 hours and then spray on a coat of clear enamel spray. This will give your arrangement a more decorative feel.
Next, you need a base for your floral arrangements. The base is used for the flowers to have something to anchor to. You can use a ball of willow branches, grapevine, or floral foam that you can buy at a local craft store. The floral foam is called Oasis. If you use Oasis, be sure to soak it in water and poke holes in it with a pen before you put flowers it so that it doesn't break the stems.
When cutting flowers for floral arrangements, try to do so early in the day or morning. This is because the stems have more water in them at this point of the day and the flowers are not drooping. Be sure to only use cold water in the flower arrangement because warm water tends to make the flowers open up too soon and not last as long.
If you want your flowers to last longer, you can places apple and lemon wedges in the water at the bottom of the floral arrangements. The apples have nutrients that will help feed the flowers, while the lemons prevent premature rotting and browning. It also adds a more decorative touch to your flower arrangements.
When designing your flower arrangements, try to pick colors that go with the environment the arrangement will be placed in. First use taller flowers to create the vertical part of the arrangement. Then use full blooming flowers with bright and bold colors for the center and sides of the floral arrangements. Then fill in the small gaps with tiny flowers.
Those were some great tips on making beautiful floral arrangements. If you use all of these tips in conjunction with each other, you are sure to have a long lasting floral arrangement. With a little practice, you can be well on your way to having beautiful floral arrangements that rival those found in floral shops!
A penis enlargement with vigrx plus Murder Mystery Puzzle for You to sizegenetics penis enlargement device Solve
Anybody who has visited my website at Motivation & Self Esteem for Success or has read any of the many articles I have written will realise what a proponent I am of reading books and educating yourself. If you want to become successful at anything you simply must do this, in my opinion.
However, not everything you learn and/or read is of equal value. As the world's store of information becomes exponentially greater, almost by the minute, you must learn to become more and more discerning about what you read and believe.
With this in mind, I believe you need to understand five basic things:
- - Find out what you are interested in,
- - Look for information on subjects of interest,
- - Search for constants to confirm your understanding,
- - Filter out needless information and garbage from real knowledge,
- - Act only on what you believe to be the truth.
To demonstrate the above points I have devised a little mystery for you. I hope you will find this not only a stimulating exercise but also a bit of fun.
Listed below is a set of 16 clues to a murder investigation involving the occupants of penis enlargement five consecutive houses. They are all you need to solve the mystery of "Who Killed Who."
The "Who Killed Who" Murder Mystery Clues:
- - The Motivator plays bowls on Saturday.
- - When facing the houses, the house with the blue roof is immediately to the right of the house with the grey roof.
- - The man in the penis enlargement pill middle house plays golf twice a week.
- - The woman in the house with the blue roof is a hockey player.
- - The Scientist lives in the first house, near the cheesecake shop.
- - The person who drives a Jaguar lives next to the man with the Dalmatian.
- - The person who lives in the house with the red roof drives a Renault.
- - The Scientist lives in the house next to the house with the green roof.
- - The Accountant's house has a Volkswagen parked in the driveway.
- - The man who drives the Lexus owns a Shitzhu.
- - The Doctor lives in the house with the brown roof.
- - The house with the Renault in the driveway is next to the house next door to where the Doberman lives.
- - The murderer's Poodle went missing on Sunday.
- - The Lawyer hates dogs but loves cheesecake.
- - The man who drives the Porsche is a keen jogger and was seen running past the victim's house just after midnight on Wednesday.
- - The victim used to enjoy playing lacrosse on Tuesday evenings.
If you solve the mystery all the clues will fit together like a successful crossword puzzle. If you are having difficulty you can email me for some clues.
If you would like to drive all your friends crazy with this you may copy it and send it to them providing nothing is changed and the full contents, including the resource box below remains intact.
Happy problem solving and remember - books are a wonderful source of education.
Hint: Make a drawing of the five houses.
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